
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. It is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

I have so many books to read right now that I am trying not to buy any!


Goodreads Summary:
WARNING: This is CORA'S story: This book may be considered NA (new adult) because it contains some swearing, violence and sex scenes: Suitable for ages 17 and up. A Clean Version will also be available on Amazon.

Eighteen-year-old Cora Jemison knows what it’s like to date a soul reaper. There are no Friday night movies, no school dances, and no stolen kisses between classes. It totally sucks! What makes it even worse, souls pop up when she least expects it. The last one is not her fault, but it all adds up to zero quality time with her super hot, scythe-carrying boyfriend, Echo.

Since Cora was etched with special runes by an evil Immortal, she understands why souls are drawn to her. She makes the best of it by helping souls find closure while Echo escorts them to the realm of the dead. Perfect partners, until a dark soul visits Cora in the dead of the night and Echo decides her soul-helping days are over.

Cora can either listen to Echo or follow her instincts. To make matters worse, other reapers start stalking her, demanding she hand over the soul. Even her Valkyrie friends think she’s gone too far. But something sinister is coming their way, and the soul is the key to saving her town, her friends, and her relationship with Echo. Can she convince Echo to see things her way before it’s too late?

Goodreads Summary: (Courtesy of Edelweiss) 
Wilhelmina has a hundred identities.

She is a princess. When the Indigo Kingdom conquered her homeland, Wilhelmina and other orphaned children of nobility were taken to Skyvale, the Indigo Kingdom’s capital. Ten years later, they are the Ospreys, experts at stealth and theft. With them, Wilhelmina means to take back her throne.

She is a spy. Wil and her best friend, Melanie, infiltrate Skyvale Palace to study their foes. They assume the identities of nobles from a wraith-fallen kingdom, but enemies fill the palace, and Melanie’s behavior grows suspicious. With Osprey missions becoming increasingly dangerous and their leader more unstable, Wil can’t trust anyone.

She is a threat. Wraith is the toxic by-product of magic, and for a century using magic has been forbidden. Still the wraith pours across the continent, reshaping the land and animals into fresh horrors. Soon it will reach the Indigo Kingdom. Wilhelmina’s magic might be the key to stopping the wraith, but if the vigilante Black Knife discovers Wil’s magic, she will vanish like all the others

Jodi Meadows introduces a vivid new fantasy full of intrigue, romance, dangerous magic, and one girl’s battle to reclaim her place in the world.


  1. The cover of the Orphan Queen is gorgeous. Looks like an exciting fantasy.

  2. Your haul should be called The Beautiful Covers Edition. Both covers are beautiful. Excellent stack.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  3. I am going to start Orphan QUeen soon. I hope you enjoy you new books!

    Come and check out OUaT's STS and don't forget to ENTER our BOXES OF BOOKS giveaway!

  4. The cover for The Orphan Queen <3, she has some of the most beautiful covers! :) Happy reading!

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

  5. Samplers are fun - except when they're just a tease ;) I usually don't like samplers, but I am really interested in The Orphan Queen, so I was all like DOWNLOAD NOW. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a fabulous week :)

    Check out my STS post!

  6. These look amazing and I clearly...I just need to stop looking at them because I am sooo broke. I'm following you cause you're awesome and looking at your blog makes me happy.

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves if you want to check it out!

    Have a great week!

    Rebecca @ Vicariously!
