
Friday, September 12, 2014

RELEASE DAY BLITZ!! Pulled Within by Marni Mann

About the Book

Storms can't last forever…can they?

For five long years, Rae Ryan has lived in a storm over which she has no control. Little by little, everything has been taken away from her—her job, her relationship, her best friend and her home. Plagued by nightmares and a terrible family secret, she carries her scars as much on the inside as she does on the outside.

Hart Booker, another disappointment from her past, returns to Bar Harbor and shelters her from the rain. He reminds Rae that forgiveness is possible, happiness can be found on the other side of darkness, and beauty rests beneath her scars. But a sinister figure lingering in the background seems determined to pull Rae back into a past she’s been trying to outrun. Can she survive the storm and become part of the light she so desperately desires? Or is she destined to remain Pulled Within? 

Recommended for mature audiences due to explicit language, sexual abuse, disturbing situations, and drug use.

 My Review:
This book deals with some serious issues. Rae's life is not what she dreamed it would be. She has dabbled with some drugs, has lost her job, and since Brady went to rehab she is about to be homeless. Her childhood was not a happy one. She went through some terrible things. Things that change you as a person forever. She is not the same anymore. After finding a new job in the town a drive away she runs into an old flame. Hart is back. For Rae this isn't all good. He broke her heart broke her. He left her and then her life went down hill. She needed him and he wasn't there. So she is conflicted about what to do with him. The problems with drugs really hit home to me. My family has been affected by them more then once. So I felt like I understood where Rae was coming from. I didn't like her in the previous book but, after this one she has my respect. Will Rae be able to turn her life around? Can she survive?

I loved Hart. I mean, he did something he shouldn't have done and he regrets it. He knows that Rae is having trouble and has been through some serious crap. He gives her time and does not push her to tell him everything, He is jealous of Brady, about how much he knows about Rae and Hart doesn't. Rae and Brady are as close of friends as you can get and that's it. Hart knows this and is able to get over it. I felt like Hart saved Rae. That if he hadn't shown up she may not have survived. Seriously. That's how bad it was. I felt so bad for her. To have to live that life. Hart opened her heart to love again. After so much pain she was finally ready to love again. Will it last or is Rae destined to be in pain forever?

This was a very hard book for me to read. Just with how hard the drug addiction stuff has been for my family. It changes lives and isn't an easy thing to deal with for any part of the family. This book was written so well and it was so true to life. I really liked it. I can't wait to see where this series will go from here. I am hoping we get Brady's story!

About the Author

Best-selling author Marni Mann, knew she as going to be a writer
since middle school. While other girls her age were daydreaming about
teenage pop stars, Mann was fantasizing about penning her first novel.
She crafts sexy, titillating stories that weave together her love of
darkness, mystery, passion, and human emotion. A New Englander at
heart, she now lives in Sarasota, Florida with her husband and their
two dogs who subsequently have been characters in her books. When
she's not nose deep in her laptop working on her next novel, she's
scouring for chocolate, sipping wine, traveling to new locations, and
devouring fabulous books.

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