
Monday, September 8, 2014

ARC Review of Uncivilized by Sawyer Bennett (18+)

Goodreads Summary:
**Warning: This book is a wild, sexy beast of a read. 18+**

Savage man, loner, warrior… I am dangerous at my core. I have lived amidst the untamed wild of the rainforest, in a society that reveres me and where every woman falls before me in subjugation.

Now I’ve been discovered. Forced to return to a world that I have forgotten about and to a culture that is only vaguely familiar to my senses.

Dr. Moira Reed is an anthropologist who has been hired to help me transition back into modern society. It’s her job to smooth away my rough edges… to teach me how to navigate properly through this new life of mine. She wants to tame me.

She’ll never win.

I am wild, free and raw, and the only thing I want from the beautiful Moira Reed is to fuck her into submission.

She wants it, I am certain.

I will give it to her soon.

Yes, very soon, I will become the teacher and she will become my student. And when I am finished showing her body pleasure like no other, she’ll know what it feels like to be claimed by an uncivilized man.

My Review: guys...this book! It is by far one of the hottest books I have ever read. EVER! I can't get over it. From the first few chapters I was hooked into Zach and Moira's lives. Moira is given the task of bringing Zach home. He is no longer the boy who was left with the tribe when his missionary parent's died. He is a man. A savage, dominant, beautiful man. Moira is almost immediately attracted to this man. A man who screws someone else and never takes his eyes of Moira...not the entire time. Omg, hold on to your panties because it only gets more hot after that. Zach agree's to leave his new family to give it a try in the states for 1 year. He has no intention of staying but, he will give it a chance. Zach remembers a little bit from before he was in the Amazon for 16 years but, not a lot. Moira does her best to teach him about modern life and technology but, Zach has other interests...of the sexual nature. Moira is in for the ride of her life with this Uncivilized Man. Can she get him to stay? Does she want him to stay? 

This book is in both Zach and Moira's perspectives. Which is definitely needed, to see what Zach is thinking. Which sometimes I had no idea! At first he tries to make it difficult for Moira because he knows she is attracted to him. He does this by walking around naked all the time, using his new crude words, and asking her the one thing she can't do. He want's to learn about sex in this new world. Wants her to teach him and not with books. His tribes way is so different. You can just about imagine how his internet searches go and what he learns there! O_o Zach is starting to feel things for Moira...things he's never felt. Could he truly leave her to go back to the Amazon?

Moira is a prestigious professor at a university. She is getting paid to help Zach acclimate back to the states. This has proven to be very hard considering his hotness and nakedness. She does her best to remain professional but, it's impossible! Trust me Moira is still conflicted about it but, what can you do? These two have an insanely hot romance. Like can't catch your breath kind...Like I want my own uncivilized jungle man! Things slowly start to change for them. It's no longer just lust and crazy hot sex. Feelings are involved. Until a tragedy happens. One that could put them on opposite ends of the Earth forever. What will they do?

OMG! I loved this book! I read it in two days and could not stop. It was...ugh...I am without words. Mind blowing? This is my new favorite read by Sawyer Bennett. Go get this one! Seriously!!!

1 comment:

  1. Great review and a book that sounds very HOT. I will have to check this one out.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!
