
Monday, September 8, 2014

ARC Review of Boarded by Love by Toni Aleo

Goodreads Summary:
Jude Sinclair here, hockey player for the Bellevue Bullies and lover of all ladies. Hockey’s in my blood, and not to sound full of myself, but I’m good at it…really good. The draft is within my reach—it’s mine to take—but that’s not the only reason people know my name. They know me because of my way with women. They know the score, and I aim to please. I just tend to stay away from repeat performances. In other words, I don’t do relationships beyond my family and friends. I’m happy with life. However, I should warn you that my story and how I see it playing out is about to change due to a certain redhead on campus.

She’s beautiful. Stunning. Breathtaking.

She’s my game changer.


He’s trouble from the moment I see him. I don’t know what I’m thinking, but from the moment I meet his gaze, I’m his. It’s a scary feeling.

I’ve never trusted anyone outside my aunt and uncle—and even that took months. I didn’t have it easy growing up. My mom was usually strung out, and she didn’t give me a second thought. Drugs and the men who paid her were more important to her. It was horrible, but I’m stronger today. Because of my past, security is what I need most. Money assures me that I can take care of myself today, tomorrow, and next month. I don’t want to ever be hungry or go without again, so I work hard for every penny.

Oh, by the way, I’m Claire Anderson. I’m a hard-studying sophomore at the University of Bellevue, dancer for the school dance team, and a burlesque dancer at a club, but that’s my secret.
You may think you know how our story ends, but you have no clue. It’s not easy falling in love… or living happily ever after. At first it may seem so, but when is anything worth having ever won without a fight?

Especially when you’re boarded by love.

My Review:
College hockey players where have you been all my life!? I clearly missed out when I was in college. We get both Jude and Claire's POV in this book. If you've read the other Assassin books you will know Claire pretty well. She has had a rough life but, was saved by her uncle Phillip and soon to be aunt Reese. She is in college now and doing well on her own. She is an amazing dancer and helps Reese out in her dance studio, dances and choreographs a burlesque show at a club, and goes to college. Holy crap she is busy! She has never really been in love before. She is not a virgin by any means but, those feelings are always missing. Claire knows what she wants to do with her life, what she doesn't expect is Jude Sinclair. The hot tattooed star hockey player for the Bellevue Bullies team. They are about to change each others lives. A whirlwind romance is blooming. Can they survive it when only knowing each other a few months?

Jude and Claire fall for each other quickly. Jude gives up his man-whore ways after only knowing her a couple weeks and Claire wants to give them a chance. I felt like they rushed into things but, who am I to judge. Attraction is the basis for all relationships right? I was waiting for the ball to drop the whole time. For Jude to screw up...for him to cheat. He had opportunity. The way he completely changed made me nervous. They even meet each others families which is hard for Jude considering Claire's uncle is a professional hockey player. He is basically in awe of all of them haha. I really enjoyed that. His family is also a little rocky. His dad is an ass basically. Will these two learn to trust each other in such a short time or are the secrets they are keeping going to destroy them?

These two fall for each other so fast that I can understand why secrets are kept. They are kind big secrets though. Secrets that could destroy families and ruin their trust for one another.  One thing is for sure though, they are defiantly sexually compatible and college life works well for them both. Their relationship is repeatedly tested by family, friends, and random girls. Will they make it out with their hearts intact?

I am a huge fan of the Assassin's book series so the tie in was so perfect for me! I love that we still got to see my favorite characters. The hockey game in the epilogue was fricken awesome and I loved every minute of it. So perfect! This is definitely a must read! Especially for the Assassin fans. 

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