
Monday, April 21, 2014

RELEASE DAY EVENT!! Make it a Double by Sawyer Bennett!!



BY USA Today Best-selling Author Sawyer Bennett

Join us at AToMR Tours facebook page for Happy Hour with the Last Call Bar! From 4pm-5pm EST we will be celebrating the release of MAKE IT A DOUBLE with giveaways, quizzes, and BRODY! Grab a drink (non-alcoholic for those under 21 years of age) and stop by!

Also, Sawyer Bennett will be doing a Q&A on Tuesday, April 22nd at 8pm EST at Come join in to the Sawyer Bennett session and look for AToMR’s Flawk sheep!

Last Call, #2
Adult Contemporary Romance

Released April 21, 2014

Amazon | Barnes and Noble | iBooks 

Brody Markham has endured a nightmare, spending the last five years in prison and losing everything that was dear to him. Now he’s back home, trying to survive in a world he doesn’t recognize anymore. While his family and friends desperately try to reach through to him, he shelters himself further and further away from their love.

Alyssa Myers has worked her entire life to distance herself from the luxurious and privileged lifestyle in which she was raised. Running her non-profit agency, The Haven, she is content to spend her days helping abused animals find sanctuary, which fulfills her in a way that money just can’t buy.

Maybe it’s that she recognizes in Brody some of the same characteristics she sees in her homeless wards, but Alyssa is powerless to stop her personal quest to make Brody whole again.

While Brody struggles to surface from the darkness, Alyssa tries to protect her heart in case he’s not willing to accept the light that she offers him.

*MAKE IT A DOUBLE can be read as a stand-alone*

My Review
Brody and Alyssa’s story is not your typical lovey dovey, knight in shining armor story. Brody is damaged goods. After being in jail for 5 years after killing a man, he isn’t the same. He is closed off and rude at times. He doesn’t know how to live in the real world anymore. Brody’s ex also didn’t help the situation. He is afraid to love. While trying to transition back into the real world he helps Alyssa out at her home for stray animals. He actually likes it more then he thought he would and he is great with the animals. Alyssa does her best with him but, he is hard to crack. Over the days when he is there helping his shell starts to crack. Could Alyssa be doing it? Can these two actually have something?

There are a lot of secrets between them. Brody has a huge one! I never saw it coming at all. I mean it is life changing. Alyssa also has her issues with her stalker ex- boyfriend who is a butt. They are pretty good for each other, despite their pasts. Brody is a good man, he just has to start realizing it himself. He doesn’t give himself enough credit. We still get to see Gabby and Hunter too!! I loved their story so I was glad to see them in this one too. Also the twins sister Casey is always fun to read about. 

Most of the issues here come from Ex drama. Both Brody and Alyssa have terrible ex’s. They change the game. They have hurt Brody and Alyssa badly but, in different ways. Just awful people. The romance between Brody and Alyssa is scorching.

I loved this book and I can’t wait for the next one in this series. Sawyer Bennett’s writing is simply amazing and he ability to write amazing stories is great. Go get this one people!!

About the Author

USA Today Best-Selling author, Sawyer Bennett, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

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