
Friday, April 18, 2014

ARC Review of Sweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins

Goodreads Summary:
It’s time.

Evil is running rampant and sweet Anna Whitt is its target. Nobody knows when or how the Dukes will strike, but Anna and her Nephilim allies will do anything necessary to rid the earth of the demons and their oppressive ways.

The stakes are higher than ever, and Anna is determined that the love she feels will be her strength, not a liability. But trying to protect the ones she loves while running for her life and battling demonic forces proves to be perilous—especially as faces are changing and trust is fleeting. When the Duke of Lust sends Anna’s great love, Kaidan Rowe, to work against her, Anna must decide how much she’s prepared to risk.

In the most sensual and fast-paced installment yet, Sweet Reckoning brings all the beloved Neph together one last time to fight for their freedom.

My Review:
I was soooo excited to get an ARC of this book! I have loved this series and am sad to see it end but, the finale was wonderful! Action packed and full of romance and action! I literally read it in one day. We get thrown back into the lives of Kaidan and Anna. Things are a little crazy after the Summit and they are all basically under investigation. Anna specifically because she still had a pure  heart due to her virginity. There is a lot less "working" for the gang this time. Things are getting serious. Everyone's lives are going to change. The Neph have had enough and want to choose what to do with their lives. In order to do this they must go up against them. Defy everything they are suppose to do. Not everyone will survive the war that is coming. The group will learn what it is like to loose what they live but, also gain something they never had. Will Anna and Kaidan get their happily ever after or are they all destined to die?

OMG! Anna and Kaidan. I sooo love them!! They are amazing with each other. They have so much going on. Kaidan finally shows his true feelings to Anna and it is beautiful. I'm not sure what they would do without each other. There is a serious amount of romance between them too. Wow, lets just say that things on the romance front happened in a way I never saw coming. The same goes for Marna and Jay. Their story was so beautiful yet tragic at the same time. I cried for them...seriously.

The other characters were great. Kope and Zania were great too. In a shy love kind of way haha. Ginger and Blake were great too. I really enjoyed their relationship. Anna's Father/daughter relationship is super cute too. Her and her dad truly love each other. Her human Mom too.

I am sad to see this story end. I am in love with these characters and don't want to see them go but, the ending was satisfying. Kind of bitter sweet but, I can see why it had to be done. Go get this one when it comes out people!!!


  1. I absolutely adore this series <3 So sad to see it end... I'm so happy you liked it. I cannot wait to get my hands on this book!!
    Happy reading

  2. Oh! I read the first book but have yet to start the second one! Glad to read that it's a satisfying ending. Thanks for sharing your review.

    1. Not a problem! I loved it! Hope you get your copy when it comes out!
