
Monday, April 15, 2013

Faceless by Jus Accardo

Goodreads Summary:

My name is Brandt Cross, and I died. Again… 

I'm living in the body of a Six named Douglass Cain, a certifiable scumbag whose ability is on Zendean Industries—AKA Denazen's—most wanted list. There’s some serious bad going down, and Ginger, the leader of the Underground, sent me undercover to obtain information because people are dying. 

My cousin, Dez, is dying…

Denazen thought they’d found a cure for the Supremacy decline, but they were wrong. That’s the bad news. The good news? Franklin Wentz. 

Wentz, the owner of a genetic research company, is brilliant and just a little bit crazy. He’s unwittingly created a formula that may cure the sick Supremacy kids, and everyone wants it—including Devin, the super hot Resident. 

Get the formula. Save the day. Don’t fall for the hot spy. Piece of cake.

My Review:
I truly love this series. And Brandt was a great new character to get to read about. His gift is so interesting. When his body died his sole jumped into the nearest living body. So even though his physical body died his sole and memory was intact inside a new body. He also inherits that person's powers and memories if he jumps to another body. So he is recruited to infiltrate the Zendean Industries to try to get into the mind of Wentz, the genius, and get the formula for the cure that will save Dez. He is fiercely loyal to his family and will do what he must to save Dez. Will he be able to get a handle on Cain's power and get the formula or will he diet trying....again?

Brandt inhabits the body of Cain throughout this book. Cain was basically a jerk with substance issues. His power is the power of persuasion and Brandt planned on using it to get the formula. He has a really hard time with it and things don't goes as planned. Innocent people are pulled in and the game becomes a lot more dangerous. Brandt has been in a total of 3 bodies now including his own and things are starting to get jumbled. He is worried he is going to lose his true self in there and become a faceless person...

He meets another Six who he quickly develops feelings for. He is able to jump into her dreams and he appears as Brandt. He gets to know Devin this way and starts to fall for her. She knows the real him and it kind of keeps him sane through this whole thing. I liked them together. I thought they were absolutely adorable! I really hope we get to see more of them in the future. 

I really enjoyed these characters. I hope we get to see them more in the next installments of the series. I was sad when it ended because I kind of want to know what's going to happen with them! All in all a great novella for the series!!

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