
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

ARC review of Imaginable by J. Meyers

Goodreads Summary:

 Twins Sera and Luke Raine’s unusual abilities are growing. Sera is healing vampires now, making them human again. And, at times, Luke can actually change the future he Sees.

 But Sera’s healing has dangerous consequences, and though Luke is altering the outcome of more visions, he can’t control them yet.
Now Sera is in danger as the dark creatures of the Realm seek to use her. As Luke struggles to master his gift in order to save his sister, he discovers even more about his powers.

 And what he learns just may put him in greater danger than Sera has ever been.

My Review:
I was lucky enough to get an ARC of this one from the author. Just like the first one, I really enjoyed Imaginable! It brought back all my favorite characters like Sera, Luke, Jonas, Fey, and Brandan. Also there are a few new ones introduced. Even after book 1 ended with Lilith pretty much on a leash for the moment but, there are other things in the world and the Realm that are more dangerous. Imaginable brings a whole new meaning to "what goes bump in the night". I loved the way the Realm was described. It's like I could see it when I was reading. A lot of the story took place in the Realm. The pixies were kind of fun, not sure if Sera would agree but, I thought they were. 

Sera is still in danger. Jonas and Fey are there to protect her but, those darn vampires and their teleporting. They make it so hard to keep up with them. Especially for the Gifteds. Luke loves Sera and is fiercely protective. Their relationship is just awesome. It reminds me of me and my brother actually. Sera will do anything to protect the people she loves and Luke is the same way. 

When Sera is taken Luke kind of goes crazy. Sera is his other half, they are connected. Luke has been trying to bring a vision on command like Sera does with her healing. It isn't going good but, he tries for hours trying to get on to save Sera. They all must work together to find her because she has been taken to a very dark place. Vampires are not the worst thing out there. Other creatures want to be healed of their "afflictions" as well. They must work as a team to rescue Sera. Before she loses herself to the darkness. Fey is also conflicted because going after Sera means possibly going against the Councils wishes. Not everyone will survive this battle. 

There is a little romance in this story as well. I was so excited to see what happens with Fey and Luke. I think they would be great together! Thorn kind of makes things between them kind of Rocky but, in the end I think she ends up with who she should be with. Sera also gets a little kissing action! Not with who I thought it would be either!! I was kind of shocked. I won't say who it was with but, I can't wait to see what happens with them! 

I loved this book and read it in a day. If you haven't read this series then you should start now! It is full of so many paranormal creatures and has a great plot! I would highly recommend it. 

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1 comment:

  1. Nice review:) This series (Intangible #1)
    by J. Meyers is new to me, but sounds really interesting. Paranormal is one of my favorite genres, and this one sounds like it has all kinds of goodies in it!
