
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday #5

Wishlist Wednesday is a weekly post put on by Dani at the Pen to Paper Blog.Where you post a book you really really want to read or one that has been on your wishlist! If you've seen my to-read list on Goodreads then you know there are plenty that I could use. So I decided to use this feature every Wednesday.

Title: Madly and the Jackal 
Author: M. Leighton
Release Date: End of May!
Series Number: Book 3

Goodreads Summary:

 How deep does love run? Deeper than the ocean? Deeper than memory? Deeper than magic?

Following their plan to save Atlas, Madly and Jackson return the spirit of Wolfhardt to his prison beneath the sea. But even the best laid plans couldn’t account for the surprises they find. This time, Lore aren’t their only challenges. 

Madly is special in ways no one could have guessed and dark forces seek to control her. They want her power, but first they must weaken her. They need her beaten. Vulnerable. Near death. And alone. But that task isn’t an easy one with Jackson at her side. The strongest of their kind, the only way to separate Jackson from Madly is to destroy his love for her, to erase it from his mind. And his heart. 

Is it possible to steal Jackson’s love from Madly? Or is their love the only truly unbreakable thing?

My Thoughts:
I purchased Madly and Wolfhardt in about a day and a half. I absolutely loved it! I ordered it as a signed copy from the author and could not put it down! There isn't an exact release date but hopefully it will be out by the end of May! Eep! If you didn't know already this book series is about mermaids! There is love, heartache, supernatural creatures and more. Click HERE for a link to my review of Madly and Wolfhardt (Book 1&2). 

1 comment:

  1. Madly and the Jackal sounds real good. I will definitely have to check it out. M. Leighton is one of my favorite authors although she didn't make it onto my Top Ten Tuesday this week.

    Nancy @ The Avid Reader
    My Wishlist Wednesday
