
Monday, November 30, 2015

BLOG TOUR!! The Lovers Surrender by J.C. Reed

Title: The Lover's Surrender
Author: J.C. Reed
Released: November 25th, 2015
Genre: Mature New Adult/Adult Contemporary Romance

LOVE…sometimes it’s good. Sometimes it’s bad. And sometimes it’s dangerous.

Brooke Stewart, a realtor in New York, is sure of one of thing. She should never fully trust someone who has secrets. Especially when said bad boy is the sexiest man walking on earth. She is running away and has no intention of ever returning to him. But when a friend is killed and the one man she thought she would never meet again is accused of murder, she knows the story doesn’t add up.

Dangerously sexy and arrogant millionaire Jett Mayfield knows his secrets are not doing him any favors. However, when they serve to save Brooke’s life, he has no intention of revealing them. When problems spiral out of control and his life is turned upside down, he knows he needs her more than ever. He needs her more than he knows. But will he be strong enough to do what needs to be done?

In a world where truth shatters and danger is closing in on them, where love is their only sanctuary, will they be able to find each other or is it time to let each other go?

Buy Links:
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My Review:
Oh, Jett how I have missed you. I must say I am sad to see this series end. It has been amazing! The Lover's Surrender does not disappoint. I could not put this book down once I started it. Brooke and Jett have been through a lot and I mean A LOT! Their relationship will be tested and trust will be questioned. What they didn't realize was that their issues were just getting started and they were to be tested even more. The inability to trust can lead to some serious problems. These two will need to get passed it all in order to survive. They must lean on each other. Will they be able to?

Don't get me wrong, I love Jett. He is forever the brute who needs a woman to tame him a little. We do get to learn a little more about him and what goes on inside that mind of his. I loved that. I really enjoyed his parts of the book. The major problems we see are stemmed from trust issues. They are clearly dealing with their own issues. Despite all the betrayal, lies, and trust issues they find strength from each other. There are beautiful moments too. Some that are just lovely and some that are super steamy. Just how I like it! Love mixed with steam and intrigue, doesn't get better then that! It's important to know that things are not black and white. There is always the gray in the middle.

I am sad to see this series end. I really enjoyed the book. I got a lot of answers I have been dying for! I was worried for quite a while about how it was going to end. Brooke and Jett's story has been one that I have loved over the years. Now is the time to pick it up if you haven't! You won't be sorry.


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