
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. It is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! All the C.M. Stunich's books were free :)


Goodreads Summary:
Tasting Never, a New Adult Novel Recommended for Ages 18 and Up

"Never Ross wants to be loved.
It's that simple, but it's not that easy."

Never is a girl with a broken soul who doesn't date nice guys and can't seem to go to bed at night without crying herself to sleep. She doesn't need any complications in her life, especially not when they're attached to a man that could be her emotional twin.

Ty McCabe can't stand Never the first time he meets her. He's aware that the feeling's mutual and the two don't think they'll ever see each other again, but when fate takes a hand and puts them both in the wrong place at the wrong time, Ty and Never form a tentative friendship that opens the door on their dark sides and shows them what it's like to live in the light.

"Sometimes, the only way to go forward, is to take a few, careful steps back."

Goodreads Summary:
“Until Nathaniel Sutherland was open and all his soul was bared for me to see, I wouldn't be satisfied.”

Theresa McMaster does not have a good track record when it comes to men. Her first husband walked out on her after a terrible miscarriage left her unable to carry any children of her own, and her estranged second husband has revealed himself to be more than just an emotional danger – he's been stalking her. 

Fearing for her own safety as well as that of her family, Theresa hires a private security service and meets Nathaniel, the man whose secrets and heartaches may just outnumber her own. Drawn into the arms of the sexy stranger, Theresa fears that both of their pasts may very well be the things that keep them apart.

“You can't escape your past by running from it.” 

Goodreads Summary:
With honor, pride, and privilege …

It takes a brave person to be a Griffin Rider, and an even braver person to hold the Chryer's Crest and be a leader. But Jordan doesn't know about any of these things. She's a normal girl with a normal house and a normal cat (whose name just happens to be Mr. Marmalade).

When Jordan wakes up on Monday morning, she thinks it's going to be a day like any other. She certainly never expects to find a bird made of fire in her garden shed, and she's absolutely flabbergasted to encounter a griffin on that very same day! Of course, the most interesting things can show up in the most unexpected places. Jordan is destined for greatness, and her courage is needed to protect not only the world she loves, but also another that she never even knew existed.

With the help of Brixus, the Prince of Griffins, Jordan must prove that sometimes, it takes an outsider to lead the way.


  1. OOh nice! Those are new to me reads! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I hadn't heard of any of these books before. They look interesting.

  3. I hope you enjoy your new books :)
    My haul
    Lauren @ Northern Plunder
