
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Garrett by Sawyer Bennett

Goodreads Summary:
Carolina Cold Fury star Garrett Samuelson never wants to miss out on a single minute of fun. Whether he’s playing hockey, hanging out with friends, or walking the red carpet with a new date on his arm, he lives every day to the fullest. When he meets Olivia Case, he sees someone who’s exactly his type—confident, sexy, smart . . . his next fling. But the more he pursues her, the more Garrett shares a side of himself that other women don’t normally get to see.

Olivia has been keeping a secret. While Garrett lives for the next thrill, Olivia’s not sure she’ll live to see the next day. She’s undergoing treatment for some serious medical issues, and she doesn’t have time for a relationship with no guarantees—especially one with a hot-as-sin womanizer who won’t take no for an answer. But as she gets to know the real Garrett, Olivia can’t help falling for him . . . hard. To reveal the truth would mean risking everything—but you can’t score without taking the tough shots.

My Review:
I was so excited for Garrett! After reading about him in Alex's story I knew I'd like him. The notorious man whore who likes his women. After he meets Olivia, his whole life changes. Garrett has that moment where everything slows down and that one person is the only thing that lights up a room. There is something about her that makes him want her. Olivia has a big secret though. One that is going to change her life and she isn't sure a relationship is the right thing to do. She spends most of the time at her job as a florist with her best friend. She wants to let go and be free for a little bit. Is Garrett the one for her to do that with?

Garrett is your typical man whore who likes to sleep with women but, not relationships. Olivia moves him in ways he hasn't felt. She does play hard to get at times. Garrett is up for the challenge. He gets what he wants right? Now Garrett has to deal with a new love in his life. Hockey used to be the one true love he had but, now things have changed. Especially when he finds out what is wrong with Olivia. How will he deal with this?

Olivia is a strong woman. She is going through a lot. A lot of things that people have a hard time dealing with. The thing that is wrong with Olivia hits close to home for me. Seriously, Olivia's story was sadder then I thought it would be. I was so surprise how Garrett acted when he found out. Sometimes love is so powerful it changes people. Garrett changed for the better.

I loved this book. It is another win for Sawyer Bennett. I am so excited for Zack's story!! Bring it on i am ready for it!

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