
Thursday, February 26, 2015

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This Week's Question
Your house is burning down and you have time to select three books you own to take with you. What three books? - Suggested by Alison Can Read

This is an insanely hard question! I would have to say my signed copies of the entire Shatter Me series.  I loved that series and what are the odds I'd get signed copies of all three!? I have other signed books too. In all honestly I'd probably grab a bag and throw as many in as I can or chuck them out the window for later haha!


  1. Omgsh, are we book soul mates or what?! I chose the same series!! I LOVE the Shatter Me series so bad! #TeamWarner!!

    New follower via GFc & Bloglovin!

    Here's my FF!

  2. I was just thinking...hey this is the 2nd time someone said this I guess I have to get around to reading it!

  3. Haha, I was thinking for a moment "I think I've read this post already" before I realized you and Jennifer picked the same books to save this week. XD Nice!

    Old follower :)

    Here's my FF

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

  4. YES! That's what I've been saying in my answers as I visit! I have a ground floor window and all for "gently" chucking my books out the window onto blankets to scootch away from the house once it becomes too much! The fire, not the book load!

    But alas, I answered the question like a good girl and just chose 3.

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The house is on fire not really gonna think about books :)
      I'm grabbing my tablet, my photo books and the signed books. I don't really have a favorite book I can't live without.

      My FF

      followed Via GFC

  6. Harry Potter. Too many memories with Harry Potter.
    Honestly, I've decided that when I finally buy a house, I'm making my library fireproof.
    New bloglovin' follower :)
    Here's my Follow Friday!

  7. Signed copies make more sense than regular books! They can all be replaced! Old follower :)

    Here's my F&F!

  8. I'd grab my signed copies, but they're everywhere, on so many different shelves, that I'd be worried I'd miss one.

    Regular follower xx

    My FF

  9. I've seen this trilogy being saved a lot. Then again yours are signed ;) My FF

  10. I haven't read those books...I think I'd go for my personalized signed copies over just ones signed by the author. They are more...well...personal.
    New follower.
    My FF:

  11. Great choice! I've yet to finish this series because I have only read the first book. I chose the Hunger Games trilogy! I'm an old GFC and bloglovin follower. :D
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  12. I haven't read these but, based on your blog, you seem to have very similar taste in books to me - so I'll definitely need to pick them up!

    I've followed you on bloglovin. :)

    Here's my FF.

    Shaunna @ Books Over Bros x

  13. Ok, I'll admit I havent read this series yet but I keep hearing such great things about it
    New follower
    My FF is at

  14. Hmm, I've never heard of this series. I'll have to add it to my list!

    Here's my FF!
