
Sunday, January 11, 2015

ARC Review of Life Before Damaged Vol. 3 by H.M. Ward

Goodreads Summary:
Doesn't have one yet!

My Review:
One thing I learned for sure from this novella is that I need to learn to dance and my husband should come with me. Gina and Pete share a sexually charged moment on the dance floor together. I mean it ends kinda badly but, for a few minutes it is just them. In their own world with no worries at all. I really and starting to like Gina. We are witnessing her changing. For the better in my opinion. She is developing self worth and that is awesome! She is realizing that she deserves to be happy and recognized for her work. I think Pete is helping her realize some of that too. Will she ever come out of her shell and be herself?

Not a lot of romantic time between Gina and Pete in this one. They have more conversation between each other then anything. Minus their steamy dance. I am really disappointed in Gina's Dad and boyfriend. They treat her like an object and not a person. Just some pretty arm candy to show off. I have a feeling she is going to blow up pretty soon. 

This series is moving a little slower but, I feel like it needs to to fully understand Gina's story. It is important in learning why Peter is the way he is. This one is going to have some serious explosions pretty soon and I can't wait! 

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