Wednesday, June 25, 2014

ARC Review of Lost in Starlight by Sherry Soule

Genre: Upper YA / Paranormal Romance
EBook Release date: June 26, 2014
Paperback Release date: June 16, 2014
Publisher: Disenchanted Publishing

Purchase Links
Amazon US | Amazon UK | All Romance eBooks | Kobo | B&N (Not up yet)

Goodreads Summary
High school is tough. Romance with a sexy alien—even tougher. 

Star reporter Sloane Masterson knows she has one helluva story when she witnesses hottie Hayden Lancaster bending forks with his mind.

Like any good journalist, Sloane sets out to uncover the truth, even if it includes a little stalking. When the superhuman feats start to pile up and the undeniable heat rises between them, Hayden has no choice but to reveal his secret: he’s an alien hybrid.

They’re as different as night and day—she’s a curvy, purple-haired, horror junkie and he’s a smoking hot, antisocial, brainiac—yet the intense fascination between them refuses to go away. Even at Hayden’s insistence that dating each other is “off limits” and dangerous, their fiery attraction threatens to go supernova.

Now Sloane’s dealing with creepy government agents, über snobby extraterrestrials, and a psycho alien ex-girlfriend out for revenge. After a crash course on the rules of interstellar dating, Sloane must decide if their star-crossed romance is worth risking her own life....

My Review:
First off, I love alien books! So this one was perfect for me. Sloane is an average girl who goes to school, writes a column for the school paper, and has a crush on a guy. She has purple hair, loves horror movies, and is not a rail thing chick. She has rockin curves which sometimes makes her an easy target for bullies. She has been observing Hayden, crush guy, for a while for an article. When she starts to see weird things. Bending utinsels without using hands and moving from one place to another at crazy speeds. Something about Hayden is not normal. He's hiding something and Sloane is going to figure out what it is! Through the course of her investigation her feelings for Hayden grow and he realizes how amazing Sloane is. Will figuring out Hayden's secret be worth it or will it destroy them?

Hayden is an insanely smart guy who has huge dreams. Oh, and he's an alien so that complicates things. Being with Sloane is against the rules. It puts them both in danger. From both the government who is trying to keep the aliens a secret and from Tama. Tama is Hayden's crazy jealous ex-girlfriend. I guess that is one thing humans and aliens have in common. I mean, we can all guess who is scarier (crazy ex!). Sloane and Hayden are so good for each other. Despite all the people in their lives telling them otherwise. Things for them are not easy and keeping their relationship a secret is harder. Would you be able to do it? I know I wouldn't have with crazy teenage hormones! Things between them get seriously hot at times. Will their forbidden relationship last?

This books is a perfect combination of action, love, and danger. I read it in 2 days. I really enjoyed this book. Of course I love scifi and aliens. I loved how we got to read Sloane's articles during the book. I felt like we could have been friends. Being a female, I think we all know what it's like to be made fun of especially with it comes to your body. She dealt with it so well and she didn't change because of it which is awesome! I can't wait for book 2!


  1. Great review! I enjoyed the book as well. Check out my review at :)

  2. Thanks for sharing the book love!
