
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wishlist Wednesday #97

Wishlist Wednesday is a weekly post put on by Dani at the Pen to Paper blog. Where you post a book you really really want to read or one that has been on your wishlist! If you've seen my to-read list on Goodreads then you know there are plenty that I could use. So I decided to use this feature every Wednesday.

Title: Oppisition
Author: Jennifer Armentrout
Series Number: 5
Release Date: August 5, 2014

Goodreads Summary:
In the stunning climax to the bestselling Lux series, Daemon and Katy join forces with an unlikely enemy to ensure the survival of not only their love for each other, but the future of all mankind.

Opposition will bring forth a new dawn to the Lux universe, where man must stand with alien to survive, and the future, no matter the outcome, will never be the same.

My Thoughts:
I am in love with this series. I loooove me some Daemon Black! I am sad to see it end but, with the cliffhanger ending of book 4 I am dying to see what is going to happen with Katy and Daemon. So many possibilities!!!


  1. I saw the cover reveal for this and was thinking how did I miss this!!! I thought there was only 4. Great pick!!

  2. +JMJ+

    It must be exciting to follow a series all the way to the last book! =) I confess, though, that I don't do that myself, preferring to wait until all the books are out before starting a series.

    Here's my Wishlist Wednesday post! =)

  3. I can't tell you how long this series has been on my TBR shelf and I have yet to get around to it. I'm glad that a 5th book is coming out though. Now I don't have to wait for a proper ending.

  4. I can't tell you how long this series has been on my TBR shelf and I have yet to get around to it. I'm glad that a 5th book is coming out though. Now I don't have to wait for a proper ending.

  5. I've heard tons of great stuff about this series, but haven't gotten around to read it. I hope you get this one soon.
