
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. It is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

For Review:

Goodreads Summary:
When Agatha secretly wishes she’d chosen a different happy ending, she reopens the gates to the School for Good and Evil. But the world she and Sophie once knew has changed.

Witches and princesses, warlocks and princes are no longer enemies. New bonds are forming; old bonds are being shattered. But underneath this uneasy arrangement, a war is brewing and a dangerous enemy rises. As Agatha and Sophie battle to restore peace, an unexpected threat could destroy everything, and everyone, they love—and this time, it comes from within.

Soman Chainani has created a spectacular world that Newbery Medal-winning author Ann M. Martin calls, “a fairy tale like no other, complete with romance, magic, and humor that will keep you turning pages until the end.”

The Crossroads Series by Mary Ting with all new covers!!!! I love them! If you haven't read this series, it is a must read! Go get it! 

Goodreads Summary:
Charley and Jake’s story concludes in Out of the Shallows…

Somehow, after everything they’ve been through, Jake Caplin and Charley Redford made their way back to one another. But finding each other and staying together are two completely different things.

When Charley’s world is flipped upside down, she begins to question the choices and decisions she’s made since her arrival in Edinburgh, and in an effort to grip onto what she holds most dear she believes she must sacrifice her love for Jake.

Returning to the States for her senior year, Charley struggles to find peace and happiness. While everyone else seems to be finding themselves in college, Charley is terrified that, along with almost everything else that’s important to her, she’s lost herself.

While friends and family deal with their own tumultuous lives, there is one person resolved to uncover the reason behind Charley’s sudden defection and unhappiness. Refusing to give up without a fight, Jake believes he is the only one who can truly understand what Charley is going through, and this time he’s determined to prove he’s there for her no matter what obstacles are thrown in their way.

However, as Charley strives to make it through the biggest personal journey of her life thus far, there is no guarantee that the woman she is becoming will still need Jake as much as the girl she once was did...


  1. Nice haul! I haven't heard of the Crossroads series before, but those covers are gorgeous. I will definitely be looking those up on Goodreads, thanks for sharing. I hope you enjoy your books :) My STS.

  2. Our reviewer Lily received the SCHOOL OF GOOD AND EVIL sequel and she's DYING to get started! I hope you enjoy it as much as she enjoyed the first! Happy reading!!

  3. Ooh, nice haul! I haven't heard of any of these before, but I love the covers! I really hope you enjoy them.

    Thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers! :)

  4. ok, you got me curious about the crossroads too. have a happy reading week :-)

  5. Nice haul! I haven't heard of any of these before but the crossroad series looks interesting. Happy reading!

  6. Ooh, I haven't read the first School for Good and Evil, but I want to! Great haul, thanks for stopping by!

  7. Nice haul! It looks like you're in for some nice reading time.

    Thanks for stopping by StNC!

  8. OOH love the new covers and I need to get to reading Mary Ting's books! I've heard nothing but great things. :D I hope you enjoy all the books you got and thanks for checking out my STS. ^_^

  9. Good haul this week! The School for Good and Evil books are ones that I really need to get around to reading. I hope you love it :) Thanks for stopping by my post.

  10. I really liked the new crossroads series covers. More than the old ones. I hope you enjoy all of your books

    Happy reading!

    My Weekly Wrap up Post

    Michelle @ Book Briefs
