
Thursday, April 17, 2014

BLOG TOUR!! Seduced by the Game- Cancer Charity Anthology

Welcome to the Seduced by the Game Anthology review tour!! This is such an amazing cause and I am so happy to be taking part in this tour. I am a nurse, so cancer hits me right in the heart. I have seen it at its worst and into remission. I have been with family when the battle became to great. Anything I can do to battle this beast of a disease is worth it and I am honored to be able to help!!

Tangled in the Laces by Toni Aleo

When the song ended, Karson stopped moving and slowly lifted his hands up to frame her face, his eyes searching hers. Softly, he said, “I can’t sing for shit, but I will pay to have someone sing to you. I don’t dance well, but I’ll do it just for the chance to touch you. I’m not one to listen to guys sing to find the perfect song for a girl, but I did for you. Most of all, I don’t usually pour my heart out to a person in front of a full coffee shop because I’m not that much of a romantic, but for you, I’d do it all. I’d do anything to be with you, and I’ve waited for someone like you my whole life. It’s true, all of it, and I would be the luckiest man in the world if you’d agree to go out on a date with me. Please give me the chance to make you fall for me, like I have been falling since the first moment I set eyes on you.”

Never in her life had she had someone so ruthlessly come after her. Her heart pounded in her chest as he held her gaze. His eyes pleaded with her, begging for that chance. She wanted to scream yes and never let go of him, but there was a part of her that had her frozen with fear. “I’m terrified of you, Karson. You don’t know what you are getting into. I’m just now picking up the pieces of my life. I can’t redo it all when you run for the hills.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Lacey. I’m here. I’m yours. Just give me the chance.”
Biting into the inside of her cheek so hard it hurt, she closed her eyes as she leaned her forehead against his lips, taking in a deep breath. She was given a second chance at life to live it, not to hide. She had to live her life to the fullest, and a part of her knew that she wouldn’t be living if Karson weren’t a part of her life. Yes, she was terrified, and yes, there was a chance that he would completely break her, but she couldn’t help but try. She didn’t care how crazy it was. She felt the same thing he did. So she slowly nodded, as she looked back up into the caramel eyes she craved to look into daily.
A grin came over his lips, and she returned it before whispering, “Yes.”

My Review:
This is a book full of novellas. So they are short stories. I absolutely loved this book. There were so many good stories. That you could sit down and read in night. They were exciting, fun, sad, romantic, and uplifting. Some were stories of people with cancer or had cancer and some were just great hockey short stories. I have no preference they were simply amazing. I was introduced to new authors that I have never read before and plan on purchasing more books from them. It was a great way to experience the writing of numerous authors. I will quickly give you my thoughts on each novella in the series. 

Tangled in Laces by Toni Aleo
If you have been to my blog you will know that I am a HUGE fan of Toni Aleo's. Her Assassin series is by far one of my favorites. Tangled in Laces is a prequel to her next novel coming out in 2015. I loved it. Lacey and Karson's story was beautiful and broke my heart at the same time. I can not wait for the full novel to come out!!

Hooking Hannah by Cassandra Carr and Cindy Carr
This was a light and fun read. Scott and Hannah have a fast whirlwind kind of romance. Hannah's sister is married to Scott's teammate so she has an in but, does she want it? Scott is convinced instantly after the first moment he see's Hannah. Will Scott be able to maker her see how awesome they are together?

Crashing the Boards by Jami Davenport
Izzy and Cooper's story is another really fun one. Izzy is a party crasher and got the big invite to the teams party. Her goal, make Cooper have a good time so his team will. This turns out to be harder then she thought. Will she be able to flip his switch before the part is over???

Taking a Shot by Catherine Gayle
Katie and Jamie's story ripped my heart out. Seriously, I cried more then once during this one. It is absolutely beautiful and touching. Jamie is a pretty amazing guy. Especially towards Katie, who has leukemia. What he does for her is...well...beautiful. This was one of my favorites and I will be buying more from this author!

A Valuable Trade by Jaymee Jacobs
I LOVED Bryan and Georgiana's story! A fun southern girl meets a guy from up North. I went to UND so I was like, hey he played for UND!! I was excited about that haha. Georgiana is such a vibrant person. I loved her personality. Things get hot and heavy fast for these two quick. They may not realize it but, they are perfect for each other!

Heir Apparent by V.L. Locey
This one brings up very real issues in professional sports that have recently been in the news a lot. That would be the sexual orientation of a player. Man on man isn't really my cup of tea but, if it's yours then your going to want to skip straight to this one right away.

Blind Pass by Bianca Sommerland
Yay, a story from a coach!! I loved Madeline. She was such a kind and loving soul. I loved the interactions with the team and the main characters. I will be reading more from this author as well!

Captain, My Captain by Nikki Worrell
Keith and Kelly!!! I loved that Kelly was a delivery girl, just your average everyday girl. Not a puck bunnie, super rich, or famous. Just like you or me. I really liked this one, it was so well written. Will Kelly be able to forget her past and move on with Keith?

Like I said, I am so luck to get a chance to read so many new great authors. I am looking forward to read more from them. This cause is near and dear to me. I think we all know someone who has suffered or been affected by cancer. Unfortunately, my grandma recently passed away from cancer. She was an amazing woman and this post is to honor her and everyone else affected by cancer. Go out and get your copy today!! 

Purchasing Links


  1. Thanks so much for your support!

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read and review and for supporting our cause.

  3. Great excerpt! Thanks for sharing
