
Friday, April 4, 2014

BLOG TOUR!! Just Destiny by Theresa Rizzo!

What would you do if your whole world fell apart?

Jenny Harrison made some poor choices in the past, but marrying Gabe was the best thing she’d ever done. They had the perfect marriage, until a tragic accident leaves Gabe brain dead and her world in ruins.

Devastated by grief, she decides to preserve the best of their love by conceiving his child, but Gabe’s family is adamantly opposed, even willing to chance exposing long-held family secrets to stop her. Caught in a web of twisted motives and contentious legal issues, Jenny turns to best friend and attorney, Steve Grant. Steve wants to help Jenny, but he has reservations and secrets of his own.

When something so private and simple turns public and complicated, will Jenny relent? What is Steve willing to sacrifice to help Jenny?

My Review:
Jenny is loving her life. She has a great husband and a great marriage. She has step children and is ok with that. She is a journalist at the paper. Then something unexpected happens. During a vacation with her husband there is an accident and he dies. He pushed her out of the way of the car and saved her. Jenny is overcome with grief and chooses to donate Gabe's organs and to have his sperm saved so she could conceive their child. Unfortunately for Jenny, not all of Gabe's family is ok with this. His uncle, George, who took Gabe in as a child finds out things get a little crazy. He threatens to sue Jenny because it isn't right, in his mind. Right when things couldn't get worse, Jenny is about to enter into a legal/ethical battle. As if losing your husband isn't enough. All her dirty laundry will be aired in public. Will Jenny prevail and get the baby she so desperately wants? Will her deepest secrets come out?

I really liked Jenny. She had to go through so much. Losing so much. I'm not sure how she was able to do it all. Steve was a great help to her. Her best friend really. He disagreed with what she was doing but, was still a good friend. Judith, Gabe's ex-wife, was also an unlikely source of support. Jenny has secrets that she doesn't want people to know about. I think she learns that omissions are also a form of lies. You can't always get what you want. I'm not going to lie. If it had been my husband the same thoughts would go through my mind. The same desire to have a child. I don't blame her at all and I think George went about the whole thing the wrong way. Especially, when he has secrets of his own.

I liked Gabe, I did. He seemed like a good man for the time we got to know him. I really liked Steve though. He was such a good guy. I secretly hoped that him and Jenny would get together. There are so many different emotions in this story. The author did a great job portraying Jenny's grief and her journey towards healing. This was a great read! Be sure to pick up your copy!!

Author Bio:

Theresa Rizzo is an award-winning author who writes emotional stories that explore the complexity of relationships and families through real-life trials. 

Born and raised in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, she currently lives outside of Boulder, Colorado with her husband of thirty years. She’s raised four wonderful children who are now scattered across the country. 

Theresa’s debut book, He Belongs to Me was a finalist in the General Fiction Category of The 2013 USA Best Book Awards!  Her second book, Just Destiny, will be released March 31, 2014.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Britney, Thank you for the lovely review! So happy you enjoyed the book.
