
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. It is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!


Goodreads Summary:
Things are off, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Some things, however, are the same. For example, the sex with Matt is just as nuclear and consistent as it always has been. 

Still… I feel like I’m holding onto Matt with my fingertips, like he’s on the verge of slipping away and I don’t know what to do.

When I started these Legal Affairs, I had no way of knowing the depth of feeling that would become involved. I had no way of knowing this man could shatter my existence.

I don’t want to be hurt, so I’m grasping hard and I can only hope that he wants me enough to hang on just as tight.

For Review

Goodreads Summary:
Seventeen-year-old Sonia is in her senior year when she realizes that she is even more different from her friends than she thought. One day there’s an incident with her and another student, proving she has the same ability to control people as her mom. Though she has had a few similar experiences before, this incident verifies exactly how different she is.

Things really begin to change when Sonia meets a senior named Anthony. Soon she finds herself consumed by him—which is shocking—because she’s just not one to fall in love. Anthony is handsome and mysterious, but that’s not what drives Sonia crazy. While other guys usually fight for her attention, Anthony doesn’t even give her the time of day. And even stranger yet, her ability to control people doesn’t work on him. Little does Sonia know that he keeps a deep secret too, and that that very secret holds the answer to who she really is.

With only a few weeks left of school, horrible things happen: Three of Sonia’s cousins, living in another state, are killed, and Sonia’s mom vanishes without a trace.

Anthony tells Sonia that her mom has been taken to an invisible island called Wraithsong, and that his mother is the abductor. To save her mom’s life, Sonia is forced to accept Anthony’s help and travels with him to find the island, but when Anthony’s mother discovers they are working against her, she sends someone to kill Anthony and capture Sonia.

Goodreads Summary:
Two young seeksmen are dead, and Sydney blames herself. The only way to get her sister back from the county’s clutches, while also preventing more death, was to offer her own life in exchange for Evvie’s freedom. 

She expected a dreadful end, but nothing like the prison in which she wakes. Agonizing county life is redefined in Neo-Necropolis, new city of the dead, which lies beneath the earth. Worse than being allegedly deceased, is the false identity Sydney is forced to assume where Evvie, Sheridan’s captain, and Crewe never existed. 

Sydney alone knows the magnitude of the county’s evildoings inside, outside, and now below. At only eighteen, the responsibility to defend freedom falls solely on her tried and tested shoulders—a burden that requires desperate action when a catastrophic revelation upends the world as she knew it. 

The people Sydney cares for are more vulnerable than ever. Though she’s buried underground and monitored by county agents, she must escape this new captivity. Maybe it’s time to fight fire with fire. Sydney has proven her courage in facing their weapons, but can she trigger her own?

Goodreads Summary:
Kira, Samm, and Marcus fight to prevent a final war between Partials and humans in the gripping final installment in the Partials Sequence, a series that combines the thrilling action of The Hunger Games with the provocative themes of Blade Runner and The Stand.

There is no avoiding it—the war to decide the fate of both humans and Partials is at hand. Both sides hold in their possession a weapon that could destroy the other, and Kira Walker has precious little time to prevent that from happening. She has one chance to save both species and the world with them, but it will only come at great personal cost.

Goodreads Summary:
What if all the legends you’ve learned were wrong?

Brutally attacked by one god and unfairly cursed by another she faithfully served, Medusa has spent the last two thousand years living out her punishment on an enchanted isle in the Aegean Sea. A far cry from the monster legends depict, she’s spent her time educating herself, gardening, and desperately trying to frighten away adventure seekers who occasionally end up, much to her dismay, as statues when they manage to catch her off guard. As time marches on without her, Medusa wishes for nothing more than to be given a second chance at a life stolen away at far too young an age.

But then comes a day when Hermes, one of the few friends she still has and the only deity she trusts, petitions the rest of the gods and goddesses to reverse the curse. Thus begins a journey toward healing and redemption, of reclaiming a life after tragedy, and of just how powerful friendship and love can be—because sometimes, you have to sink in the deep end of the sea before you can rise back up again.


  1. All of these are new to me except the last two books. Yet these look amazing. I really like the cover for Wraith Song.

    Books of Love

  2. Great haul! I hope you enjoy your books!

    Check out OUT's STS

    Leydy from OUAT & RCE

  3. I'm looking forward to Ruins!! I had a bit of a tough time with Fragments (I thought it was slow) but I'm forever a fan of Partials. I know I'm a dork, but I really want to know who Kira will end up with. xD My StS!

  4. Happy Reading! Here's my STS if you'd like to stop by.....

  5. Nice haul. Wraithsong looks good and I LOVE the cover. I hope you enjoy all of your books :) My STS.

  6. Ruins looks really good. Hope you enjoy all these. Happy Reading!
    Here are my newest additions.
