
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Feature and Follow

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Question of the week
Recommend some of your favorite back-list books - books that are at least a few years old (I’m thinking 5-10 years old rather than classics).
I know this is going to sound weird but, I honestly didnt read much 5 years ago. I was in college and was so busy with it that I didn't read much. One of my favorites came out in 2008 and it was the Wake Trilogy by Lisa McMann.


  1. Haven't read those. Will have to check them out! :D Great list! Happy Friday! :D
    My FF

  2. I have not read those yet. Happy Friday!
    New follower via Bloglovin'
    My FF

  3. I haven't heard of that series yet! The covers look promising, though!

    Old follower. My FF.

  4. I've been meaning to read these books for awhile now. I'll have to get to them soon!
    New GFC follower!
    Julia @ Book Bindings Blog
    My FF

  5. Ooh i haven't read those but have definitely heard a lot about them and will definitely have to take a look!

    Old bloglovin' follower

    Sanna @ Fanciful Fictions

  6. Haven't read any of these books yet they look interesting tough I'll be sure to check them out :)
    P.S. followed you :)
    Rimsha@Ramblings of a Bookworm

  7. I never did read those. I'll have to get around to it now.

    Old follower.

    Jessica @ Tales Between the Pages

  8. I started that series but never finished and I'm not sure why. I am a new follower via Bloglovin'!

    Kristalyn @ The Sarcastic Palmtree
    My FFF

  9. I read Wake, but then like I do a lot of times I forgot all about it so never read the rest of the books. :( New follower via bloglovin!


  10. Those are new one to me so I will look them up!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  11. This series is on my TBR!

    Old follower via GFC.

    My FF

    ~Karina @  Watcha Reading

  12. Haven't read these but the covers look amazing :D I'm intrigued!
    New follower :)

    My FF

    Witless Fool @ Obsessive Compulsive Reader

  13. I've heard great things of this series. I'm in the same boat with reading. I didn't have time or money to buy books being in college (I always had a hard time with the $300 for 1 chemistry book or, 30 pleasure books conundrum). I'm definitely making up for it now :-)

    Jessi @ The Book Cove
