
Thursday, March 20, 2014

ARC Review of Affirmation by Sawyer Bennett

Goodreads Summary:
Things are off, and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Some things, however, are the same. For example, the sex with Matt is just as nuclear and consistent as it always has been. 

Still… I feel like I’m holding onto Matt with my fingertips, like he’s on the verge of slipping away and I don’t know what to do.

When I started these Legal Affairs, I had no way of knowing the depth of feeling that would become involved. I had no way of knowing this man could shatter my existence.

I don’t want to be hurt, so I’m grasping hard and I can only hope that he wants me enough to hang on just as tight.

My Review:
I am so sad to see this series end. It has been so amazing. Mac feels like there is something off about her and Matt's relationship. Their sexual chemistry is as good as ever but, he is almost indifferent towards her. She feels like he is pulling away ever since Matt’s little issue with Marissa. Things just keep getting worse and then a new attorney is brought in. A female, named Kylie and her intentions towards Matt are far from innocent.  This leads to things only getting worse between Matt and Mac. Mac is done, she has had enough of Matt’s cool exterior and flirting with Kylie and she lets Matt know it. Will these two be done for good? Will Matt ever get over his insecurities? 

One thing these to have figured out for sure are their sex life. Wow, I mean explosive knock your socks off. Mac is completely ok with that part of their relationship. She just really needs that emotional connection with Matt. She feels it, but does he? I like that Mac distanced herself from Matt. She needed to figure herself out and he needed to realize what he had lost. Will Mac get her happily ever after?

The ending I thought was perfect for these two. I don’t want to spoil the ending so I’m not going to tell you what happens. This was such an amazing story and I loved every minute of it. Sawyer Bennett is one of my favorite authors and I will continue to read everything she writes! Go pick up this series!!

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