
Sunday, February 9, 2014

ARC Review of Face of Death by Kelly Hashway

Goodreads Summary:
Having fallen at the hands of Hades, Jodi's enduring torture like she never imagined. Worse, she has to watch her Ophi friends suffer along with her--the punishment doled out by the very people she'd sentenced to life in Tartarus. Hell. This is one reunion Jodi hoped would never happen, but now she must find a way to free them all.

Except the underworld is nearly impossible to escape.

Jodi's one chance may rest in raising the human soul she killed when she drank Medusa's blood.

But splitting her human soul from her Ophi soul means living a double life: One as an Ophi experiencing unspeakable torture and the other as the human she could have been if she never came into her powers. With her two worlds colliding, Jodi will have to make the toughest decision she's faced yet.

My Review:
Jodi is about to face some serious decisions. Face of Death picks up right where the previous book left off. Being the leader of the Ophi and they are in the Underworld. Not dead but, stuck at the mercy of Hades. After being tortured for a while they are getting desperate. Jodi needs to get them out of the Underworld, she feels like she is responsible for her friends being there and being tortured. The only way to do it is to split her human soul from her Ophi soul. She will be living in the Underworld being tortured, as well as human trying to figure this out. This leads to Jodi having to choose between living a human life or an Ophi life. Can she have an normal life? Can she leave her friends in the Underworld? 

There are a lot of decisions Jodi has to make in this one. She is forced to choose between human and Ophi, Matt and Alex, life and death. Hades is ruthless. He goes after the ones Jodi loves to get her back to the Underworld. People will die and Jodi will never be the same.

Alex is still the knight in shining armor. He is always there for Jodi and helps here when her souls are split. It is difficult for Jodi when she was human and Ophi when her soul was split. She had all her old feelings back and could see her mom without worrying about killing her. She could have a normal life again. Can she choose between them?

I liked how the book ended. I thought it was a good ending to the story. Not perfect but, how could it be after everything that happens? I think that is what Jodi learns, you can’t have everything you want in life and things aren’t going to be perfect. When you are responsible for an entire race of people you have to make sacrifices. 

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