
Monday, January 6, 2014

ARC Review of Incubus (Episode 1) by Rachel Bateman

Goodreads Summary:
All Kyle Prideaux wants is a normal life.

But with a serial killer in town, murdering women the same way her mother died seven years ago, and a silent stalker watching her during the day and invading her dreams at night, normal is impossible.

After she's attacked at work one night, Kyle wakes in the hospital to discover things of nightmares exist and walk among us every day.

And she's the only one who can stop them.

My Review:
Incubus has turned out to be rather interesting. Kyle and her father have had an interesting life as of late. Him taking a new job after her mother died. Her father is a cop and is investigating a case that unfortunately has more then one victim and they are dying in a very peculiar way. Kyle is trying to live a normal life. She has some pretty bizarre dreams though. Dreams that leave her screaming out and upset. What could be more shocking? Perhaps running into the man who is in her dreams? He sits in the restaurant that Kyle works in and orders the same thing every day but, doesn't talk to her. Things are going normal for Kyle until one day she kisses a boy and something strange happens. Who is behind these murders in town? What is going on with Kyle? Who is the strange man she can't seem to get away from?

Kyle is in the beginning stage of a romance in episode 1. Colter is an interesting boy who has had a rough past. It is this past that brings them together. Kyle is forced to hide Colter in her room when her dad gets home and things get a little hot. However, that changes in pretty quickly. Something happens to Colter that Kyle can't explain. It scares her and his reaction is even more weird. 

After a brutal attack, Kyle wakes up in the hospital with none other then her mystery man. Something is different about him, she can tell. Things are about to change for Kyle. I have a feeling her whole life is about to be turned upside down. I can't wait for the next installment! My interest is peaked!! I want to know what is going to happen next!

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