
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Partials by Dan Wells

Goodreads Summary:
The human race is all but extinct after a war with Partials—engineered organic beings identical to humans—has decimated the population. Reduced to only tens of thousands by RM, a weaponized virus to which only a fraction of humanity is immune, the survivors in North America have huddled together on Long Island while the Partials have mysteriously retreated. The threat of the Partials is still imminent, but, worse, no baby has been born immune to RM in more than a decade. Our time is running out.

Kira, a sixteen-year-old medic-in-training, is on the front lines of this battle, seeing RM ravage the community while mandatory pregnancy laws have pushed what's left of humanity to the brink of civil war, and she's not content to stand by and watch. But as she makes a desperate decision to save the last of her race, she will find that the survival of humans and Partials alike rests in her attempts to uncover the connections between them—connections that humanity has forgotten, or perhaps never even knew were there.

Dan Wells, acclaimed author of I Am Not a Serial Killer, takes readers on a pulsepounding journey into a world where the very concept of what it means to be human is in question—one where our humanity is both our greatest liability and our only hope for survival.

My Review:
I was instantly drawn to this series because of the RM virus. I work in healthcare so I love those kinds of books. Kira is only 16 and she works in the maternity ward at the hospital. Monitoring the babies after they are born. The trouble is, the babies don't live...ever. Ever since the Partial War and the release of the RM virus none of the babies live. As you can imagine this ways on Kira. The government has the Hope Act in effect. This is a law that requires girls at 18 to become pregnant. That way at some point a baby has to be born immune right? Kira is dead set on finding a cure for RM. She excelled in the research department and asks to be moved. After some time researching she realizes something. No studies have been done on Partials. Which makes sense, they are biotech that were created to be soldiers. After being denied permission to go retrieve one she takes measures into her own hands. Kira and a small group of trustworthy friends are about to set out to the mainland to capture a very dangerous creature. They will not all make it back. They are willing to risk themselves for the future, for mankind, for their own children.

There is a lot going on in this book. You have to worry about The Voice (a rebel group), RM (apocalyptic virus), and the Partials (man made killing machines). That's a lot to think about. There isn't very many humans left. The ones left are immune to the RM virus and constantly trying to figure out how to cure it. Kira will risk everything because her "sister" is pregnant. She doesn't want her to have to go through the pain of losing her child. Will the humans learn from the Partials? Will the War just be re-started? There are a lot of secrets with these characters too. Government cover ups, hidden agendas, and lies. It's hard to know what is exactly happening and who to trust. Will the humans and Partials be able to work together to save both of their races? Or are they destined to die?

There isn't a lot of time for romance in this one. Kira and Marcus are in love and have been a while. There are a few hot kissy scenes but, nothing more. They are pretty busy trying to save humanity. I really liked Samm. I kind of hope something happens between him and Kira. Not sure how that would work though...if it even would? 

I really enjoyed this book and I have already purchased the next in the series. I am super curious about what's going to happen next. I honestly don't know how this one will end! Can't wait to start it!!

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