
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday

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Question of the week
Bookselling Time: Go to your biggest bookcases. Go to the second shelf from the top and pick out the sixth book from the left. Handsell that book to us - even if you haven’t read it or if you hated it. (if you don’t have bookcases, done have six books on one shelf, etc, pick a book at random).

The book that I drew is going to be super easy to sell. I ended up picking Cinder by Marissa Meyer!

This is by far one of my favorite reads. I LOVE re-tellings of classic stories. This series is probably one of the best I have ever read in that aspect. A hint of the classic while being totally unique. It is a very unique twist on the story we all know as Cinderella. It takes place in a world very different from ours. Where humans and cyborgs live together. Where a virus is spreading and killing people. The country is in term oil and the answers could lie with a lowly cyborg who needs a new leg. Could this girl be the answer to everything? Could she be just what the Prince need? Pick up your copy and find out!


  1. Great pitch for Cinder! I read the book earlier this year and loved it, such a great retelling of Cinderella.

  2. I love re-tellings of classic stories too. It's great seeing where the author can take the story.

    New bloglovin' follower here.

  3. Hi, I'm a new follower.
    It would be great if you checked out my blog.

  4. This book looks so interesting I just haven't had the chance to read it yet! But I hope to get to that one day soon! :) Have a great Friday!

    old follower

    My F&F
    Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews

  5. Great Pick! I never get a chance to look into the book.
    Old Follower. Have a nice Friday!

    Greetings, From Booker Like a Hooker

  6. This is the second FF post that featured Cinder. You don't have to sell it to me. This is one of the best Sci-Fi Fantasy books I've read in my reading career.

    Old follower via bloglovin.

    Charlotte @ Thoughts and Pens

  7. Everyone is raving about this book! I've got to get a copy!
    New Bloglovin' follower.
    Here is my FF.

  8. Ive seen this book everywhere the cover is amazing, but haven't been able to read it yet. Thanks for sharing.
    New GFC follower

    Whiskey @ Unladylike Reviews
