
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sentinel by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Goodreads Summary:
It's a beautiful day for a war.

As the mortal world slowly slips into chaos of the godly kind, Alexandria Andros must overcome a stunning defeat that has left her shaken and in doubt of their ability to end this war once and for all.

And with all the obstacles between Alex and her happily-ever-after with the swoonworthy Aiden St. Delphi, they must now trust a deadly foe as they travel deep into the Underworld to release one of the most dangerous gods of all time.

In the stunning, action-packed climax to the bestselling Covenant series, Alex must face a terrible choice: the destruction of everything and everyone she holds dear… or the end of herself.

My Review:
I am so sad to see this series end. I have really enjoyed it. Sentinel was an action packed conclusion to the Covenant series. I went through a lot of emotions while reading this one. War is upon them. Not everyone survives this. People are forever changed. Ares is causing a lot of trouble and Alex and Seth need to take care of things. Being the only two who can become a God-Killer and all. All Alex wants is her happily ever after is that so much to ask? Unfortunately for her it seems that is not in the cards. She does everything in her power to keep those she loves safe. She is damaged after the way Ares left her. Aiden is there for support but, she doesn't want to see him hurt either. She has to deal with a lot. A lot more then she ever wanted. She is happy to give her life for them though. In order to defeat Ares, they must do the unthinkable. Deals are made and peoples futures are lost. Will Alex be able to defeat Ares? What will happen to her and Aiden? Will she get her happily ever after? 

I am all my favorite characters were back. Deacon, Luke, and Olivia. They are great friends who are also willing to fight for everyone. This is more then just Alex's fight. She is fighting for all people. To keep Ares from winning. She can't do it alone. She is lucky to have such amazing friends. War is a nasty thing that doesn't always end they way you expect it to. There was a lot of kick butt fighting in this one. There was also a lot of loss and heartache. There's a lot of lovein, training, and soul searching that takes place. Especially for Seth...and the soul searching part. 

Aiden is my favorite now but, it took 4 books to get me off Seth's team. I had faith in him that he wasn't just an asshole. You will have to read to find out whether I am right on that one. Aiden and Alex have such a beautiful relationship. They truly need each other to survive. Lets be honest here, they have some super hot moments and they felt right for the book. I so wanted them to have a normal life!! However, war never really ends the way you want it too. 

I can't say that I am super happy with the ending. I liked it. I suppose it's as happily ever after as you could get really. I'm glad it wasn't the cookie cutter, they won and everyone goes home happy kid of ending too though. It's hard to explain. A lot of emotions happened in the last 20 pages. I was shocked then sad then happy then kind of sad again. I will wrap it up by saying, I have really liked this series and I am sad to see it end but, all good things must come to an end!

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