
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wishlist Wednesday #70

Wishlist Wednesday is a weekly post put on by Dani at the Pen to Paper blog. Where you post a book you really really want to read or one that has been on your wishlist! If you've seen my to-read list on Goodreads then you know there are plenty that I could use. So I decided to use this feature every Wednesday.

Title: Degrees of Wrong
Author: Anna Scarlett (Anna Banks pen name)
Release Date: August 28, 2012
Series Number: 1

Goodreads Summary:
This time, the straight-and-narrow path could be the road to ruin. 

Dr. Elyse Morgan’s mission: find the cure to the HTN4 virus. The compensation, courtesy of the United Nations: a lab stocked with hi-tech goodies, limitless resources and enough chocolate to make her rear look like a cellulite farm. Bonus: she gets to live. 

Rescued (kidnapped) and secreted (imprisoned) on an undersea warship, Elyse adjusts to her assumed identity as a cadet with the finesse of a toeless ballerina. Her sulfuric temper and blatant insubordination capture the unwanted attention of the ship’s captain, the gorgeous, infuriating, engaged Nicoli Marek. 

Elyse would rather perform her own autopsy than become the other woman, but Nicoli—who’s as full of himself as he is of secrets—regards his impending marriage as a mere political transaction. And Elyse as fair game. 

As Elyse’s suspicions about the UN’s true agenda mount along with her attraction to the relentless, chronically shirtless captain, she must choose between the murky path to everything she’s ever wanted, or the squeaky-clean path of self-sacrifice—which could mean taking the secrets of the virus with her to the grave. 

Warning: Features a strong, chocolate-loving heroine who takes no prisoners on the way to saving the world from an epidemic and winning a captain’s heart.

My Thoughts:
I have heard a lot of good things about Anna Bank's books. I haven't ready any yet. I also really like the cover! Also the nurse in me is always intrigued by viruses haha. I would love to get my hands on this one. Probably a physical copy rather then Kindle just because of the awesome cover. 


  1. That *is* a pretty awesome cover! I can't decide if I like the sound of it or not, I'd be interested to hear what you think if you read it.
    my WW

  2. A "strong, chocolate-loving heroine"?? Yes, please! Great choice -- I want to know more!

    My Wednesday Post

  3. Nice pick, never heard about this one before. Looks good!
    I hope you get it soon :D

  4. Haha! A chocolate-loving heroine is my kinda gal. This looks interesting! Hope you get it :)

  5. Oooh, I love that cover and it sounds awesome!!! How cool is the synopsis!!! Ive added it to my list. Great pick :)

  6. Nice cover. Hope you get to read it soon!

  7. Ohmy, love the cover and it sounds great too! :)

