
Friday, October 11, 2013

Unchained by J. Lynn (Jennifer Armentrout)

Goodreads Summary:
Between the pissed off creatures that want demon-hunter Lily Marks dead and the fallen angel who just...wants her, Lily is about ready to trade in forever for a comfy job in a cubicle farm.

The fact that she and Julian are civil to one another is enough to have her thrown out of the Sanctuary, but she can't shake her not-so-angelic stalker or how he brings her dangerously close to ecstasy.

Her forbidden relationship with Julian provides the perfect fuel for suspicion when a traitor is discovered to be working within the Sanctuary. Lily quickly finds herself hunted by well, everyone.

Her only hope is to discover the real traitor before she loses everything--and she'll need Julian's help. That is, if Julian is really there to help her...and not destroy her.

Yeah, being a Nephilim isn't everything it's cracked up to be.

My Review:
Unchained was full of action and romance. I was super excited when this book came out because I have been anxiously waiting for it. Lily Marks is a pretty bad ass nephilim. Being the offspring of a Fallen angel and a human is not as easy as you might think. She is under Contract with the Sanctuary and has dedicated her life to fighting the Fallen, deadheads, and minions. She has had her run ins with death and is not being forced to train the new kid, Michael. Not everyone knows that she is also having a forbidden relationship with Julian, a Fallen. This is a major no no when you are a Nephilim. It puts on their radar for sure, especially when someone is slipping information to the Fallen. Will Lily give up everything for Julian? Will they figure out who is betraying them?

I really liked Michael. The book kind of went back and forth between him and Lily's point of view. He was a cop who was attacked and rescued by Lily. He is special but, not sure why. He starts his training way later in life then they usually do. He picks it up pretty quickly. Him and Lily get along really well. I liked Luke and Nate too. They were like Lily's family. I believe she truly loves them. Will she be able to keep them safe?

Lily and Julian had a super hot relationship. Julian had saved Lily's life more then once. She tried to fight her feelings for him because she knew he was dangerous. There is something about the dark "bad guy" that is just sexy. The romance between these two is...well...flaming hot. They are prefect for each other. Can Lily trust Julian or is he just manipulating her? Is there any hope for them?

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the paranormal aspect. Lily is a very likable character. I am excited to see where this story goes. There are a lot of things that need to be worked out!

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