
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Feature and Follow #11

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If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers. If you're new to the follow Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog! 

Question of the week
What book are you embarrassed to admit you LOVED? (try to think beyond Twilight).
Well, I have this problem with a whole genre of books actually. I love YA books and read a lot of them in public and the other day a co-worker said "Your 25, aren't you a little old to be reading YA?" So sometimes I feel a little self conscious about that but, I do love them and don't see that changing soon. So I say back off I like what I like and that is it! Haha.
 I am a lot less embarrassed that I liked this book now then when I read them. I got made fun of so bad for loving the Iliad in high school. I read the whole thing rather then just the assigned reading. People thought I was weird haha. I still love mythology, I'm fascinated by the stories. 


  1. Hopping through. Huh. That's interesting. I loved The Iliad and most of my classmates did too. I should read it again some day.
    My FF

  2. It is funny now that you say that about high school. If you read books you were such a nerd. Glad high school is done!

    Happy Halloween! Angela's Anxious Life

  3. If you still love mythology, my friend wrote a book and I'm doing a giveaway on my blog attached to this weeks FF. Have a great weekend!

    ~Pam @ Moonlight Reader

  4. *Nerdy High-Five* Loving on the classics, how very awesome! I also loved The Iliad in high school and took a Mythology class, where I had to write a paper from a character's POV. Old follower passing through.

    My FF:

  5. I'm glad that I live in Germany, people don't recognize the English covers, so most of them don't know that I read so much YA. Otherwise, I'd totally understand why people are annoyed to get asked about it so often.

    Old Follower.

    This is my Follow Friday!

  6. Popping in to say hi!
    New follower on fb (old follower on gfc & bloglovin)
    Here is our FF

  7. Actually if everyone not tell everything we don't feel embarrassed Thanks for sharing with us.
    Old Follower
    Cagla @Booker Like a Hooker

  8. I have always wanted to read the Illiad and Odysey. I don't have an excuse either because I have them! I agree with you on what you said at the top of your blog about all of your reviews being good because you only read books you like. I'm the same way. I picked 2 children's book series that I read a couple years ago.
    My Feature

    New follower via bloglovin'

  9. I'm only 22 but luckily look a lot younger, so will probably be a few years before people start judging my love of young adult fiction. But I don't think I will care when they do start. If I love to read something then I love to read it. My FFF. GFC follower.

  10. Well, I guess there's no age for liking a book. YA is a wonderful genre and I love it. If you love it, continue reading-that's what I think. :)
    New follower via bloglovin'. :)
    Here's My FF.
