
Saturday, October 26, 2013

BLOG TOUR!! Treasure Your Love by J.C. Reed!

Treasure Your Love
Published: October 15th, 2013
Mature New Adult/ Adult Contemporary Romance - recommended for ages 18 and up.
350 pp

Meeting Jett was like a drug. Dangerous. Addictive. And better forbidden. In his game, there’s a high price to be paid. But how much is too much?

Brooke Stewart, a realtor in New York, was never in love until she met the green-eyed, sexy-as-sin, six-foot-two sex god, Jett. The man to whom she surrendered. The man who hurt her once only to conquer her heart again.

Sexy, handsome, and arrogant Jett Mayfield knows he has found his match. Brooke is like no other woman he’s ever met and he has every intention of keeping her in his bed.

Their future seems full of promise...until the past is catching up with them and dark secrets threaten to destroy their lives. Soon they realize that to love means to lose, and some choices are harder than others.

When everything comes crashing down, can mistakes be amended…or will he lose her forever?

A woman who surrendered to love.

A man who would do anything to protect her.

Two lives that are about to be tested…and the last secrets laid bare.

Connect with the Author

My Review
Brooke and Jett's relationship has been anything but normal. Especially after Surrender Your Love ended! We are left with Jett and Brooke talking about Brooke's pregnancy and her need to be protected. She still isn't safe. If she thought returning to New York would keep them safe she was sorely mistaking. More is at stake now for both Brooke and Jett, they are pregnant. Things start to go south pretty quickly. After a tragedy in Jett's life he seems distant. Brooke feels as if he is pulling away from her. One thing leads to another and Brooke is given an ultimatum. Disappear from her friends and Jett's life or they will be killed. What will Brooke choose? Can she leave the man she loves? Of course nothing is as it seems and things go down hill for her from that point on. I would say she hit rock bottom for a while. Will Jett be able to save her again? Is there relationship doomed by their pasts?

Brook grew a lot during this book. So many crazy twists and turns happened! I was on the edge of my seat while reading it. I read it in about a day and a half because I could not put it down. So many things happened and so many secrets were told. Things are not as they seem and even your closest allies can't be trusted. Brooke has to make life changing decisions for her and her baby. She was strong and lived through some insane situations.

Jett is still the super hot, dominant knight in shining armor. Brooke is luck she found him. I doubt any other man could save her the ways that he did. His past will always haunt him but, Brooke is his light in the dark and he will do anything for her. There are some seriously hot scenes in this one. Woo, cold showers for everyone! Anyway, they also have some very sweet and romantic moments too. Jett has a sensitive heart. Even when he's with his gang he thinks of Brooke above all.

I have loved this series. These characters have been really fun to read about. It's not your average series. I am super excited about the No Exceptions series that will follow. Now is the time to get your hands on these books!!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the fantastic post and review. Love, Jessica
