
Thursday, October 10, 2013

BLOG TOUR!! Let it be Me by Toni Aleo!

Welcome to my stop on the Let it be Me by Toni Aleo tour! I have loved all of Toni's books so far, including Let it be Me. It is so awesome to get to take part in a tour for one of your favorite authors. Feel free to look around my blog and check out me review of Let it be Me and a GIVEAWAY!!

Title: Let it be Me
Author:  Toni Aleo
Published: 10/2/2013
Published by: Toni Aleo

Do you see that woman there?
The one with long, wavy blond hair and blue eyes that used to sparkle?
That’s me, Violet Moore.
Do you see those men over there?
One is my husband, Rob.
A man who claimed he loved me, but proved his fist loved me more.
The other is Tucker McCloud, my savior and confidant.
I'm torn between what's right and my own fear.
But not anymore.
I’m taking my life back now.
I will fight back.
I will be happy.

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Book Trailer

My Review:
Let it be Me is not your typical book. There are a lot of serious elements to it. Physical abuse is something to take seriously and Violet knows this all too well.  She has been with an abusive husband for 3 years. Rob is a jerk who took control of Violet’s life soon after they were married. Violet deals with it and hides it the best she can for fear that Rob will kill her if she tries to leave him. Violet knows this is no way to live but, she’s scared. She feels like she has no one that can help her. I felt like the only thing that Violet had that she enjoyed was her job. She worked with great people who treated her well. After Dr. McCloud decides to retire, his son is going to take over his position at the clinic. Tucker McCloud is an amazing man who treats Violet like she has never been treated before. She begins to think that maybe she could have a better life that her life is worth living. Will Violet have the strength to leave her abusive husband? Can she have a happy life or will Rob steal it from her?

I don’t know that I have hated a character more then I hated Rob. He was a bit giant asshole! I have no sympathy or good feelings for him at all. He physically, sexually, and emotionally abused the person he 
“loved”. I wanted Violet to fight back so much but, the consequences were also bad. I see why she didn’t. She wanted to stay alive. Rob didn’t deserve to be with Violet and Violet definitely deserved better.

Enter Tucker. Tucker is literally a knight in shining armor. He is an amazing man who wanted the best for Violet. He helps her figure out that she can do it. She can leave him and Tucker will help her. He was always a gentleman even when it came to the romantic moments. He didn’t push Violet. He was perfect for her, to fix her. I had high hopes for them.

This is a story of female empowerment. A story of a woman finding the courage to stand up for herself and get out of a bad situation. It’s a very emotional read and I highly recommend a glass of wine or two for this one. 

Author Bio

Toni Aleo is the author of the Nasvhille Assassins series: Taking Shots, Trying to Score, Empty Net,Falling for the Backup, & Blue Lines.

When not rooting for her beloved Nashville Predators, she’s going to her husband’s and son’s hockey games and her daughter’s dance competitions, or reading the latest romance novel

Author Links
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