
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Release Day Launch! Everything for Us by M. Leighton!!

Welcome to the Everything for Us by M. Leighton Release day launch!!! I am so happy to be taking part in this. I LOVE M. Leighton and her books! Both her and her books are amazing. My post consists of my early review of the book and a giveaway at the end! Go get your copy today! Trust me this book is so worth it (Fangirling just a little)!

When it comes to passion this hot, it’s all or nothing. 

Olivia Townsend’s wealthy cousin Marissa had everything a girl could ask for—a great job, a privileged life, and all the friends she wanted. Or, at least, all the friends money could buy. But one case of mistaken identity has turned her privileged world upside down.

An abduction gone wrong lands her right in the lap of the sexiest, most dangerous man she’s ever met. To Marissa, he’s an enigma, but one to whom she’s irresistibly, inexplicably drawn.

With him comes a new world of freedom and passion, of dark shadows and dangerous secrets, a world where nothing is what it seems—except for the blind passion that Marissa can’t escape—or maybe even survive.

My Review:
 Everything for Us is from Nash's point of view. Which was awesome. I loved getting to know him and his side of the story in regards to his family. I feel like I need to start of by saying that I love Cash. But He is definitely a full blown manly man. He is a I need what I need and that's it. He gets what he wants from who he wants. His cockiness was my favorite quality. He is pretty much a hotty bad ass who has had a rough life and is kid of a broken person. He didn't have a normal life and was forced to grow up way to soon. and do things no kid should have too. We all know that Cash and Nash's family is not normal. Having Nash back is a big change for everyone. His dad is glad to see him. I think Cash is too even though he'd never admit it. It's been hard on Cash to be both brothers. To have Nash back is a thing of dreams. Will he be able to save his dad? Will he ever have a normal life? 

Marissa changes so much in Everything for Us. I actually liked her! I know weird right. I didn't like her in the other books. Being kidnapped is enough to change anyone. Marissa is no longer the spoiler brat who does everything Daddy wants her to do. She is a young woman who is now realizing the horrible person she was before. She no longer is that way.  A lot of that change has to do with Nash too. He manages to call her out on her crap and open her eyes. Their relationship starts out as nothing more then both of them needing something from each other. Things quickly begin to change as Nash starts to realize he wants a life and Marissa just might be at the center of that. Marissa wants to have a life too. Her own. That includes an man that loves her and a career that doesn't end in her marrying a man with status. She ends up helping with Nash's dad's trial. She grew into an intelligent drive persona and I loved it! I wanted to high five her at the end!

The romance between Nash and Marissa is smoldering hot! There is so much sexual tension between them that it's like a bomb going off when their are together. Nash is so different in that department then Cash. Things got complicated at times but, they handled them as adults. Marissa was no long the winy girl. They were perfect for each other. We still get to see Cash and Olivia too, they are not absent. So no worries there. 

I love this book. The ending was perfect even though I cried like a baby. I am sad to see the end of this series but, all good things come to an end right. Go out and get this one everyone!!

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Athor Bio

M. Leighton is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of The Wild Ones and The Bad Boys romance trilogies.  She is a native of Ohio, relocated to the warmer climates of the South, where she lets her mind wander to romantic settings with sexy Southern guys much like the one she married and the ones you'll find in her latest books.  When her thoughts aren't roaming in that direction, she'll be riding horses, swimming in ponds and experiencing life on a ranch, all without leaving the cozy comfort of her office.  
For more about M. Leighton, visit her Website or follow her on Twitter.

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