
Friday, July 12, 2013

15 Day Blogger Challenge- Day 5

So I came across this on some other blogs today and was like "I am so doing this!" The 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge was created by April at Good Books, Good Wine. This was a super creative idea and I fully intend to have fun with it! Here is the link to her Day 1 post: Day 1 Post Link

Recommend a tear jerker.

  • Ok, I feel like I need to start off this one with....I CRY OVER EVERYTHING. In books that is. It could be a happy ending, a baby being born, someone dying, a great end to a series, kind words...ANYTHING! For sure, I cried my eyes out during three specific books. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks (obviously), Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult, and My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult. The movie version of My Sister's Keeper was not as good as the book! They totally changed the ending completely!! Anyway, both of those authors have the ability to describe in detail how someone feels when they are suffering and broken. Just perfect and terribly heartbreaking to read. Seriously, have a couple boxes of Kleenex for them. 
  • I also cried like a baby at the end of Clockwork Princess. It was a bitter sweet ending and I couldn't help myself.


  1. I haven't read any of these books. I own Clockwork Princess but I'm kind of TERRIFIED to read it because I'm sure to be an emotional mess.

  2. I can't handle Picoult. I'm too emotionally fragile. :)

  3. I have so many Picoult books I really need to start reading it all. I was mid way through Nineteen Minutes but I had to return it to the library so will get through that shortly, hopefully soon.

    Nicholas Sparks books is quite popular in today's challenge, I'm yet to read any of his books but I have seen the movie to A Walk to remember and that was definitely a tear jerker.

    Day 5 Challenge Post

  4. I'm a little scared to start the Infernal Devices series because of the fact that so many readers said they cried. I'll read it someday, but I need to be ready. Thanks for sharing!
