
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

15 Day Blogger Challenge- Day 10

So I came across this on some other blogs today and was like "I am so doing this!" The 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge was created by April at Good Books, Good Wine. This was a super creative idea and I fully intend to have fun with it! Here is the link to her Day 1 post: Day 1 Post Link

How do you choose what book to read next?

  • I always start with my ARC's or blog tour books that I need to read for the month.
  • Then I move on to for review books. Sometimes it takes a while to get to those. 
  • Then off to my to be read list is after that so you can tell why TBR list is sooooooo long!
  • Some of the best books I have read are books from authors requesting reviews or blog tours. It is very hard for me to say no because of that. Which is another reason why my TBR list is so 200 joke. I also work full time as a Register Nurse so I get most of my reading done on the weekends. If I had more time I would totally read more!

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