
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Runes by Ednah Walters Blog Tour!!!!!

Welcome to my stop on the Runes Blog Tour!! I am so happy to be taking part. Ednah Walters is a great writer and Runes just proved that. I loved the book. My stop includes the book summary, my review, an excerpt from the book, and a link to the giveaway! So check it out and don't forget to enter the giveaway when your done!

By Ednah Walters

Seventeen-year-old Raine Cooper has enough on her plate dealing with her father’s disappearance, her mother’s erratic behavior and the possibility of her boyfriend relocating. The last thing she needs is Torin St. James—a mysterious new neighbor with a wicked smile and uncanny way of reading her.

Raine is drawn to Torin’s dark sexiness against her better judgment, until he saves her life with weird marks and she realizes he is different. But by healing her, Torin changes something inside Raine. Now she can’t stop thinking about him. Half the time, she’s not sure whether to fall into his arms or run.

Scared, she sets out to find out what Torin is. But the closer she gets to the truth the more she uncovers something sinister about Torin. What Torin is goes back to an ancient mythology and Raine is somehow part of it. Not only are she and her friends in danger, she must choose a side, but the wrong choice will cost Raine her life.

Runes Excerpt

Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. My grin broadened. I had her.

“Stop being rude and condescending for starters,” she snapped.

I blinked. Not exactly the response I’d expected, but it said something about her. Raine Cooper was no doormat or easily charmed.

“I thought I was being extremely polite,” I said.

She gave an unladylike snort. “Right.”

“Do I need to apologize?”

“Not if you don’t mean it.”

“Then I won’t.”

Her eyes narrowed with a mixture of annoyance and determination and I could swear she wanted to smack me. I found myself waiting for her next move with anticipation. It had been a while since I enjoyed bantering with a woman.

“Okay, shoot. What’s the favor?” she asked.

Disappointed that she gave in too easily, I said, “Tell your boyfriend that he and I need to talk. Today. In the next hour if possible.”

“Yes, sir.” She saluted me, her beautiful lips curving into a mocking, but enticing smile.

An insane thought popped into my head. I wanted to capture her smile. Touch her lips and see if they were as soft as they looked. My hand shot out but then I remembered something. I didn’t get emotionally involved with Mortals, yet here I was acting on impulse, letting something I was still yet to understand dictate my actions. The realization was like a douse in ice-cold water. I corrected my aim and touched her nose instead.

“Cute. Nice meeting you, Raine with an E.” I hurried away before I could forget myself and do something I’d regret. Still, I was aware of her eyes on me.

“What’s your name?” she called out.

Ignore her and keep walking. It’s the right thing to do. But the reckless part of me, suppressed for so long, wanted to come out and play.

Slowly, I turned, lowered my sunglasses, and studied her. She was all legs and curves, but what got to me, sucked me was her expression. It was a mixture of innocent curiosity, seductive charm and defiant boldness. I wasn’t here to tango with a snarky Mortal, but this one made me want to change my mind. After centuries, it might be nice to find someone worthy of my time. She might even make this assignment bearable. Of course, knowing she wouldn’t remember me afterwards made her even more appealing.

“Why do you want to know?” I asked.

“I don’t,” she said, her perfect nose up in the air again, “but Eirik will need a name to go with the message.”

“My name won’t mean anything to him. Just tell him the message is from your new neighbor.” Her mouth formed a perfect O as though my news surprised her. Grinning, I dragged my eyes away from her enticing lips. Yeah, living next door to this Mortal was going to be very interesting.

As I turned toward the sidewalk, stickers on the back of the car in her driveway caught my attention.

The Trojans.

Swimmer Girl.

She was one of them, the reason I was in their little town. Good. That mean I had every reason to up close and personal with her. She was still watching me when I reached my door. I caught her gaze and grinned.

Please tell all bloggers to find out what happens next from Torins POV they need to go to the next set of blogs on the next day of tour.

My Review
I am so lucky to get to take part in the Runes blog tour and was given an ARC. I loved Runes. It is a new concept that I haven't read much about at all. Raine is a teenager who is on the swim team. She lives a pretty normal life with normal friends. That is until Torin enters the picture. He is the motorcycle driving bad boy. Something about him is different. He shows up out of no where, can magically fix things, and has pretty weird friends. Raine has a few run in with his friends that lead to some crazy things. Magic tatoos and crazy strength. There is more going on behind the scenes then Raine can even imagine. Secrets are about to be unlocked. Is Raine ready to hear them?

Raine's family dynamic is kind of off. Her father was in a boat accident and has been missing for 3 months. She doesn't know if he is dead or alive but, her and her mother are optimistic. Raine has great friends. Cora and Eirik. They are all awesome together. Raine and Eirik are a couple during part of it. Andris throws a monkey wrench into Raine's life too. Him and his "sisters" that is. I don't want to get into this part because it will give to much away. All I will say is it involves Norse Mythology!! I know right! I love mythology and this one is pretty new to me. That is why I loved this story so much. It was unique!

Torin is one of the other love interestes. He is the hot bad boy that lives right next to Raine. He is everything Raine wants in a guy. She is dating Eirik however. She cares for Eirik but, the spark isn't really there. There are a few hot moments between Torin and Raine. There is definitely tension there. Torin also saves Raine's life but, it leads to more questions. Raine trys to talk to Torin to get some of those answers but, he can't tell her. She is kind of in the dark until the end of the book. Then it all comes together.

I really enjoyed this book. It had a unique story line which was refreshing. There is a lot of information to learn and I can not wait until book 2!!! It's title is Immortal and it will be out on August 5, 2013!!! Love it when you don't have to wait a year for a book to come out!

About the Author

Ednah is the author of The Guardian Legacy series, a YA fantasy series about children of the fallen angels, who fight demons and protect mankind. AWAKENED, the prequel was released in September 2010 with rave reviews. BETRAYED, book one in the series was released by her new publisher Spencer Hill Press in June 2012 and HUNTED, the third installment, will be released April 2013. She s working on the next book in the series, FORGOTTEN. Ednah also writes New Adult paranormal romance. RUNES is the first book in her new series. She is presently working on book 2, IMMORTALS. Under the pseudonym E. B. Walters, Ednah writes contemporary romance. SLOW BURN, the first contemporary romance with suspense, was released in April 2011. It is the first book in the Fitzgerald family series. Since then she has published four more books in this series. She's presently working on book six. You can visit her on her websites, Facebook, twitter, ya-twitter, Google-plus, and RomanceBlog, YAblog.

Connect with Ednah
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Where to buy Runes
Amazon | Kindle (US) | Kindle (UK) | Kindle (CA) | Barnes & Nobles |Smashwords

Giveaway Time!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy you enjoyed Runes and thank you for participating in the tour. xoxo
