
Thursday, June 20, 2013

500 Follower Giveaway!!!!

Holy crap I'm at 500 Followers! Honestly I just realized it yesterday...YAY~! So excited over here. I never thought I would get that many. That probably sounds weird considering I'm a blogger? I really enjoy blogging and getting to know some of the bloggers and authors I have met. I love being able to give something back to my followers when I am able. And this is as good of time as any right!? This started out as just a hobby and I have grown to really love it. Basically what I am trying to say in a very long way is that my mind is blown:

So I have decided to do a giveaway in honor of all you lovely peeps! Because without you none of this would be possible. I like to do them Internationally because I like to giveaway to as many people as possible so that is what I am going to do! I will have 2 winners who will be picked via Rafflecopter. Each winner will have their choice of a book from The Book Depository (under $15)! YAY for books!

1. This giveaway is international as long as the book depository ships to your country. Please make sure it does before you enter. Here is a link to check: Book Depository- Countries they ship to.
2. Must be 13 or older to enter. Please have parents permission otherwise.
3. Winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.
4. I am not responsible for items lost or damaged in the mail.

I also want to say thank you to all of you. Without you I wouldn't have a very successful hobby. So THANK YOU! I appreciate it so much! If I could hug you all I would. But, that would probably be weird and kind of hard to do so here's to you:


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake. I loved it, only read it as an ebook. Would love to have a physical copy.

  2. I think I would choose Easy by Tammara Webber! I adore this book!
    Congrats on 500 followers!

  3. My fav right now is Collision Course by S.C. Stephens.

  4. oh my gosh that is such a hard question... off the top of my head Girl of Nightmares, Black City, Beautiful Redemption, Asumption, Star Cursed....

    1. They are all sequels or books I've had on my list for awhile and they look so good!

  5. I would choose Black city :D

  6. i would want to read Half Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout. I love her writing style and the cover is gorgeous to have in a paperback :D

    thank you for holding this giveaway <3

  7. I would probably choose Darkest Minds because I know book 2 is coming out soon and I would like to read the series.

  8. I'd choose Bossypants becoause I respect Tina Fey so much and would love to read it :)

  9. Hmm that's very hard! I guess Across the Universe:)

  10. I would choose Dualed By: Elsie Chapman. It looks really interesting, and it's on top of my to-read list.

  11. I spent A LOT of time thinking about this lol I would have to go with: In the After (In the After #1)by Demitria Lunetta or Elegy (Hereafter #3)by Tara Hudson. I would let you pick and surprise me because surprises are AWESOME <3

  12. To be honest I can never decide a book ahead of time, I never know what I might get between now and then. The Testing, and PODs are fairly high up the list though. Or Faking it...

  13. Congrats on the 500+ followers! I'd probably choose a Colleen Hoover book :) Thanks!

  14. I'd choose The unbecoming of Mara Dyer because I'm waiting for it to read for a long time, I'm really interested in her story and I love sequels,too!

  15. I'd probably choose one of those: Cinder, The Darkest Minds, Into the Still Blue , Allegiant, Crash Into You or Champion! So many great choices it would be difficult to choose lol.

    Thanks for this giveaway!

  16. Congrats on the followers! I'd get siege and storm.

  17. I would like to win a book by Paullina Simons :)

  18. Maybe a pre-order of A Darkness Strange and Lovely or Noriko Ogiwara's Dragon Sword and Wind Child! :D
