
Thursday, May 9, 2013

All My Life by Rucy Ban

Goodreads Summary:

Seventeen-year-old Kari meets Neil Mars. “Neil as in Armstrong and Mars…as in Bruno.” A boy who beats every vampire, werewolf, highlander fantasy Kari has ever had. But she knows she can’t get close to him. Not ever. Because that would mean telling him everything. Coming clean. And Kari can’t bear the idea of changing the way Neil looks at her. Like she’s the only girl in the world. His reverence is something too precious to lose. Perhaps even at the cost of losing him. 

But Kari doesn't know why Neil calls her his ‘Angel’ and when she finds out, she realizes what love is all about. Boundless joy, unending longing and a fuckload of heartache.

My Review:
I was sent a copy from the author for an honest review. I have to say that I was really surprised by this book. I have read a few books where a girl was scorned by a guy. This one however got my attention with the prologue. It is quite different from all of them that I have read! I liked Kari's character. She is a snarky girl who works in a tattoo parlor. Even though her Mother does not approve. But, she loves it. If I have learned anything in this world its that if you find a job you love then by God keep doing it! Anyway, it is because of this job that she has some extra cash considering some of it is going to the A-hole Eddie. She also meets Neil here. I really like Neil. He is super yummy! He always is telling Kari that she saved him but, I think he is the one who did the saving. I liked how the story progressed, I had a hard time putting it down. When Kari's secret comes out will it ruin things with Neil? Will she ever be able to have a healthy sexual relationship after her past? Is her life on the road to being destroyed? 

I would have to say that Agnas and Nalini are amazing. Agnas would be awesome to have as a mother. She is such a caring person. Nalini is a great friend. Blunt but, we all need that every once and a while. I found her extremely funny and I loved her relationship with her boyfriend. He was also great. 

I really enjoyed Neil. The amazing man that rescues Kari on a white horse. He has a few secrets of his own that come out with time. I love that he lets Kari give him a tattoo. It's a very intimate thing. At least it felt like that to me. He also rides a motorcycle which is super sexy. Their romantic scenes are very hot. Like super spicy and I loved them. I didn't really know what to expect given the cover of the book. But, I loved it!

I really enjoyed this book and am glad I go the chance to review it. I would recommend it!! I have no idea if there will be another book in the series but, I was happy with the ending!

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