
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Emblaze by Jessica Shirvington

Goodreads Summary:

Once again Violet Eden faces an impossible choice ... and the consequences are unimaginable. 

Violet has come to terms with the fact that being part angel, part human, means her life will never be as it was.

Now Violet has something Phoenix - the exiled angel who betrayed her - will do anything for, and she has no intention of letting it fall into his hands. The only problem is that he has something she needs too. 

Not afraid to raise the stakes, Phoenix seemingly holds all the power, always one step ahead. And when he puts the final pieces of the prophecy together, it doesn't take him long to realize exactly who he needs in order to open the gates of Hell.

With the help of surprising new allies, ancient prophecies are deciphered, a destination set and, after a shattering confrontation with her father, Violet leaves for the islands of Greece without knowing if she will have a home to return to...

My Review:
I loved Emblaze! This series keeps getting better and better. Emblaze picks up with Violet and her group of Grigori have of the Exile scripture and Phoenix has the Grigori scripture. Phoenix wants to make switch so each party has their own. The Grigori are against this. By giving the Exiles their scripture they believe they will be able to raise Lilith. So they set up a drop and it ends up going terribly wrong and someone is kidnapped. This leads to a series of events that causes the Grigori to have to give up the real scripture. Loved ones are taken and relationships are tested. With the constant reminder of Rudy and Nyla, Violet and Lincoln continue to deny their feelings for each other. 

With all this happening Violet is trying to deal with her connection to Lincoln and her Dad. Who has become suspicious about her late nights. He is asking questions. There are numerous times where Violet is so overwhelming with the situation and her feelings for Lincoln that she breaks down. She isn't the all powerful being that everyone says she is. She has truly human moments. It was nice to see this side of her. She can be human just like everyone else. 

Now the the Exiles have their scripture the team bands together with old friends and new to try to stop Lilith from returning. Many human lives are at stake and Violet and Lincoln are at the center of this plot. A battle is in the future and lives will be lost. Will they prevent Lilith from returning? It all goes down on a mountain in Greece. Well a volcano is a better way to describe it. After a battle and almost self sacrifice the gates of Hell unleash more then Violet ever expected. 

I still love Lincoln. I feel so bad for him and Violet. They are denying their love for each other because of what happened with Rudy and Nyla. It seems like a good reason but, as the book describes their soles are almost screaming out for each other. These two are the definition of sole mates. My favorite part was probably when they were with the incubus (you will see why) and the mouth of the volcano. These two better get together before the end of this series or I will go mad! After the events of Greece I know Phoenix has good in him and it will be interesting to see where his story ends up. 

So many more questions now after Emblaze. I am curious as to where the story is going to go now. The author did set it up amazingly well though. I have high hopes for the next one and am really excited for its release!!!

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