
Saturday, March 23, 2013

ARC Review of The Rising by Kelley Armstrong

Goodreads Summary:

Things are getting desperate for Maya and her friends. Hunted by the powerful St. Clouds and now a rival Cabal as well, they're quickly running out of places to hide. And with the whole world thinking they died in a helicopter crash, it's not like they can just go to the authorities for help.

All they have is the name and number of someone who might be able to give them a few answers. Answers to why they're so valuable, and why their supernatural powers are getting more and more out of control.

But Maya is unprepared for the truths that await her. And now, like it or not, she'll have to face down some demons from her past if she ever hopes to move on with her life. Because Maya can't keep running forever.

Old secrets are revealed and unexpected characters make a surprising return in this stunning conclusion to Kelley Armstrong's New York Times bestselling Darkness Rising trilogy.

My Review:
I was so excited to get an Advanced copy of The Rising. I loved this series and the previous series that got tied into this book. I am going to try to do a review without to many spoilers however it may be a little difficult. Maya and her friends are sick of running. They are being hunted by more then one group now and it is making it harder to escape. There is a new character introduced whom I am sure you will love! Because I sure did! Maya and her friends end up getting separated and Maya is captured. This isn't a complete loss though. She is taken to where Rafe, Annie, and the rest are. She is however without Daniel and Corey. Some big secrets are revealed here that leads to a very daring escape plan. Maya is desperate at this point, Daniel is badly hurt, according to the Cabal, and she needs to get to him. She is also worried that she is starting to regress and maybe they can help her here. They have helped Annie. What if it starts to happen to her?  Will she be able to help save her friends from a lifetime of running and hiding? Will she ever get her family back? If they choose to negotiate what will they lose and who can be trusted?

Oh yea, and the characters from The Darkest Powers Series are back! Yea, I'm not going to lie, when Derek made an appearance I was like YEA DEREK!! It was really exciting to see my other favorite characters come back into the story. My only complaint is that they weren't in this book enough!! I wanted more of Chloe, Derek, and Simon. Will the two groups be able to work together to escape from the multiple Cabal's now after them? Would they be willing to negotiate with the groups that they don't trust? So many lies and untrustworthy people. These teenagers go through more then anyone should ever have to. They truly only have each other and trust no one else. 

Moving on to love interests! Yes, every book has them so get over it. I loved Rafe. Through the entire series.  He seemed like a very good guy who would do anything for Maya. I did feel like they rushed a little bit into their relationship but, it worked for me. However, there was Daniel. I know Maya repeatedly says they are "just friends" but, there is no way. They are to perfect for each other. But, Maya remains with Rafe. There is new information that comes to light during this book. I will say that without the Epilogue I would have been upset with the ending. After that though I was satisfied. 

I am so sad to see this series ending. As I am with most. This one a little more so for a few reasons. And yes I did cry when I finished it. Not like crazy or anything but, I was sad to see it end. I kind of hope that maybe an adult series with these characters will happen but, I haven't heard anything about that. It is just a hope of mine I guess! I would highly recommend both the Darkest Powers and Darkness Rising Series!

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