
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shadow Blood by Jayde Scott

Goodreads Summary:

Only a few months ago, Amber Reed would have called herself an ordinary girl in an ordinary world…until she moves to Scotland and is pushed into a world she never knew existed by the sexy and daring McAllister brothers, unable to withstand its perils.

Aidan McAllister, the irresistible leader of the Morganefaire brethren, has what he always wanted: the girl of his dreams. His love for Amber is getting stronger, but for all his wants and needs, there’s a price to pay.

As a mystery draws them deeper into the heart of an intricate organization ruled by shifting allegiances, Amber realizes she’ll have to choose between her one true love and doing the one thing she swore she’d never do: break the rules by taking someone’s life.

My Review:
I was super happy to get a copy of this one from the awesome author! I have a huge soft spot for this series. It is by far one of my favorites. It's always nice when you can rely on a series to always be good! Shadow Blood picked up right where Forever and Beyond left off. Amber is stuck in Morganefaire surrounded by death and lies. Amber has so many questions and virtually no answers. Turns out more was taken after the break in. Which leads to more questions. What do they need the ring for? Who are "they" anyway?? A lot of bad things have happened and they finally find out who is behind it! I was kind of shocked actually at the ending. Didn't see that coming. Amber is pulled in so many directions! Who is telling the truth? Who can be trusted? Is it Seth, Blake, Logan and the list just keeps on going. She is pretty much left with Julie. I felt bad for Amber, she had so much on her plate. Especially after Aidan is wounded. She is kind of left with Julie to figure out what is going on and how to save Aidan. So much craziness all brought together in the last few chapters. Jayde Scott never ceases to amaze me with her ability to bring everything together at the end.

I love Aidan. I'm not sure if I have stressed that enough in my reviews for this series! So in case you missed that I figured I'd say it again. When he is wounded I was seriously freaking out. I was like NOOO! I said it out loud. I frequently get very into my reading and yell random words at books. Is Amber willing to do anything to save his life? I'm glad Kieran was in this one a little more. I like his story and am interested to see where it goes. Especially when now that we know Patricia's  role in the prophecy. I have a feeling things are going to get dicey for those two.

One thing that really surprised me was Julie. I was annoyed by her in Forever and Beyond. In Shadow Blood I really enjoyed her! She has changed a lot. I found her incredibly helpful and grown up.

I read Shadow Blood in 2 days. I can't wait for The Prophecy of Morganefaire. The preview at the end of Shadow Blood left me craving more!! I'm not sure when it comes out but, when I know I will update this post.


  1. It's not clear to me what genre this book is in. It seems it's paranormal romance, but I may be mistaken. Sounds interesting though.

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