
Sunday, October 28, 2012

In My Mailbox #2

In my Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kirsti, over at The Story Siren. It's a way for bloggers to share which books they received. I am hoping to do this every week, unless I have a slow week!

Monstrous Beauty by Elizabeth Fama (Gifted by Jen at YA Romantics)
Signed copy of Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi (Won at Taters Tall Tails blog)
Deity ARC by Jennifer Armentrout (Won on Nicole Sobon's Blog)

Purchased/Barrowed from a friend :)
Tempting the Player by Jennifer Armentrout
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness 


  1. Oh these look fun!! I heard A Discovery of Witches was really good! Shatter Me is GREAT! Happy reading!!

    1. I have wanted to read Shatter Me for a while and the cover is very nice!

  2. My copy of Shatter Me was dispatched on Friday so I'm hoping to receive it soon :) And Deity - ugh, can't wait for Nov 6 when it's published, hopefully my paperback will arrive soon and I'll get to devour that baby ASAP. Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)

    Siiri @ Little Pieces of Imagination

    1. I finished Deity late last night and it was awesome! My review will be up tomorrow! Spoiler free of course!

  3. Nice books this week, you're gonna have fun reading.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Happy reading!
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams (new follower)

  4. I really want to read A Discovery of Witches- I hope you like it!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my IMM! I really want to read A Discovery of Witches and Shatter Me. New follower =)

  6. Hi!
    Shatter Me is pretty great!
    New follower via GFC :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  7. New follower via GFC. Great haul of books. Shatter Me was amazing. Great haul of books. Come visit me too.


  8. It looks like you've got some awesome books. I love all five covers.
    Hope you enjoy reading them all.

  9. Ooh, great haul...I want to read Monstrous Beauty so bad! And you're so lucky to have a signed copy of Shatter Me - it's amazing! :D And you have an ARC of Deity??? Lucky! Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of my favorite authors!

    And thank you for stopping by my blog! :)

    1. When I found out I won an ARC of Deity I had a major fan girl moment haha! My review will be up later tonight. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. I have heard Shatter Me is beyond awesome!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I've been thinking of getting Shatter Me. It looks really good!

  13. Great books! I've got several of these on my TBR list. Thanks for commenting on my IMM & SP and for the follow back.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  14. I haven't read Armentrout's Covenant series. I can't decide if I would like it. But I think I will try Tempting the Player. That looks like fun.

    Happy reading :)

    Here's my IMM

  15. Ooohhh Great Haul!!! Uggghh I'm jealous! I want to read JA's Tempting the Player!

    ~New Follower~

  16. Thanks for the follow! And Tempting the Player was AMAZING!

  17. LOVE Discovery of Witches, Shatter Me and Monstrous Beauty. Looking forward to reading Deity and Tempting the Player. GREAT list. Followed back.

  18. Aww, I haven't read any in your haul, but I so want to read Shatter ME! (and Monstrous Beauty, but Shatter Me more...)

    Thanks for stopping by my haul, and I hope you have a terrific reading week! ;D

  19. The three books you won look very good:D Hope you have a happy reading! *New follower ^^

  20. New follower! Thanks for stopping by my IMM & SP.

    I've heard great things about Shatter Me. It's on my TBR list.

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

    1. Thanks for coming over to my blog and following!

  21. awesome books! thanks for stopping by my blog. Im officially a follower now.

  22. Great books. I loved Shatter Me & Diety! I hope to read Tempting the Player soon.

    Thanks for stopping by Book Sojourner!
    Jenny - new follower

  23. I also bought Shatter Me last week actually.I was not sure about it if i should get it or not but seeing it in every book store i believe this was a sign for me that i should get it.. and i couldnt resist anymore lol Great books! :)

    Here is mine


  24. Great IMM! I have Shatter Me, but haven't been able to read it yet. Happy Reading and thanks for stopping by!

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  25. Great haul! I really liked A Discovery of Witches - I kept getting sucked into it. Can't say I felt the same about Shatter Me but everyone has different tastes! Do hope you enjoy!
