
Sunday, September 2, 2012

ARC Review of On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

Goodreads Summary:

Four years ago, Jocelyn Butler left her tragic past behind in the States and started over in Edinburgh. Burying the grief, ignoring her demons, and forging ahead without any real attachments has worked well for her so far but when Joss moves into a fantastic apartment on Dublin Street, her carefully guarded world is shaken to its core by her new roommate's sexy older brother.

Braden Carmichael is a man who always gets what he wants. And what he wants is Jocelyn in his bed. Knowing how skittish Joss is concerning any kind of relationship, Braden proposes a sexual arrangement that should satisfy the intense attraction between them without it developing into anything 'more'. An intrigued Jocelyn agrees, completely unprepared for the Scotsman and his single-minded determination to strip the stubborn young woman bare... to the very soul.

Contains strong adult content. For readers ages 18+

My Review:
On Dublin Street is the first adult book for Samantha Young. I have loved the other YA books she has written and was sooo excited she decided to do an adult romance!!! I was not disappointed. I have been on a romance kick lately. Joss is a very strong, independent woman who had to deal with a terrible tragedy when she was younger. This tragedy left her kind of broken. As the book goes on you find out that Joss is half a person. She keeps a part of her under lock and key and doesn't let people in. She has had a string of meaning less relationships with men and only has a couple friends. When she moves to Dublin street with Ellie she fights to stay the same person she has always been. Ellie and Joss become friends through the process. Joss then meets Braden in a highly unconventional way. He gets under her skin at an emotional level. His sexual arrangement with her seems to be ok with Joss for a while. It's what she's good at. Unattached relationship.  Braden slowly beats down her brick walls around her heart. 

Braden comes off as a playboy who uses women. He is crazy attractive and Joss is drawn to that. He is an amazing flirt and definitely  knows how to make a girl green eyed monster jealous. He was way more intuitive then I thought. He tried to get Joss into an actual relationship. To commit and accept him as a boyfriend. Sometimes I felt like Joss was the man and din't want an emotional attachment more so then Braden! Despite his playboy persona he was a good man with good intentions. They both had trouble in their past and were trying to overcome it. I think Braden needed to see the therapist with Joss! Oh yea, and the romance is steamy!! Very hot! It grew to be a very sensual kind of romance. Nothing raunchy about it!

Once I had time to sit down and read, I couldn't put it down. I sat at the campfire reading with my Kindle light! Well done on the first adult book!! I look forward to reading more of them!


  1. This book looks truly amazing! The two main characters sound really likable and Braden sounds really hot! Nice review!:)

  2. This book is amazing! One of the best contemporary romance book I've read this year. Thank you for the review!

  3. I didn't have the best experience with Samantha Young's books but I loved this one. It was amazing.

  4. I didn't know young writes YA and adult...this sounds intriguing!

    Trix, vitajex(at)aol(dot)com
