
Monday, June 4, 2012

50 Follower Giveaway!!!

Hello everyone! I have reached 50 followers and luckly have received some awesome prizes to giveaway!   You may know that I am a huge fan of H.M. Ward and she was nice enough to give me some signed books and swag to giveaway on my blog. This is my first giveaway so please be aware of this! I have a signed copy of Valefar Vol #1 and Stone Prison! I also have some swag that will be thrown in there as well! One winner will win both books and some signed book plates for your other H.M. Ward books! YAY! I just want to say thank you to H.M. Ward for being totally awesome and you guys for entering! Blogging is something that I really enjoy and I have won some great books through blogger giveaways. So thanks for supporting me and my hobby!!!

 Here are some rules about the giveaway:
1. U.S. ONLY
2. Must be 13 or older to enter.
3. I am not responsible for items lost in the mail.
4. The winner will be notified by email and will have 48 hours to reply before a new winner is picked!
5. Giveaway ends 6-19-12

Here are the summaries of both books:

Goodreads Summary:

It's 369 days before Ivy loses her soul to a demon kiss. And, Collin Smith, the most powerful Valefar this side of Hell, wants his soul back. He thinks he'll get it too, until a bargain with a powerful demon proves to be more costly than he hoped. As his world shifts, Collin tries to protect Ivy, but he knows he can't be with her. Torn between his affection for the girl and his loyalty, Collin is forced to be the evil creature he tries so hard to deny - a Valefar.

The VALEFAR volumes are meant to read in one sitting, and generally takes about an hour. VALEFAR Vol. 1 is a YA Paranormal Romance and has 12,500 words (84 pages).

VALEFAR VOL 2 will be released April 1, 2012. These novellas are part of the DEMON KISSED series or can be read as stand-alones.

Goodreads Summary:
Bestselling author of the DEMON KISSED series presents TWISTED TALES. 

The Stone Prison is a macabre tale told in the spirit of Grimm. An evil enchantress, a stone tower, and a girl whose fate hangs in the balance as the clock approaches midnight make for a bone-chilling fairy tale.

Link to my review: Stone Prison Review

I personally really enjoyed both of these books! Both books are the fist books of the series and I would recommend them! Especially if you are fans of the Demon Kissed series. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for the giveaway :)
    And my favorite written by H.M Ward is Valefar, I would say their all my favorite lol

    1. Your welcome! I loved them all too! I was honored to giveaway her books on my first giveaway!

  2. thanks for the giveaway and i just heard of the books so if i win i can't wait to read them:)

  3. I've been a fan from the start :) and these are the only two I don't have in my collection, or plan on having in the very near future! I think by far the 13th prophecy has been my favorite, just because of who Ivy picked, because I am so in love with that boy! Ah, best ever :D Hehe, but I have the stone prison on my kindle, and would love to have a signed copy. I just reread it for the 7th time yesterday! It never gets old!

    1. I really liked Stone Prison. It was such a good short story that kept me engaged the whole time!

  4. I really liked all the books but my favorite was the latest Assassin. Holly is a great writer!

    1. Yes, Assassin is one of my favorites as well. It was really fun to see Eric's life!

  5. I really liked all of her books but the latest Assassin is my favorite. Holly is a great writer!
