
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Assassin: Fall of the Golden Valefar by H.M. Ward

Goodreads Summary:

There is neither pure goodness nor pure evil in your heart—you are what you choose to be.

Those are the words Ivy spoke to him three years ago when she sent Eric to the surface. But she had no way to know that every day the curse would twist his mind further, making Eric more depraved and more desperate to stop the monster he is becoming. Eric puts a lethal plan into action. Once started, it cannot be stopped. The plan will result in his ultimately finding peace—and destruction.
However, Natalia has other plans. She's spent three years getting close to Eric and doesn't plan on letting him slip between her fingers. But when she finds the opportunity to destroy him, she hesitates--seeing the spark of goodness he still possesses.

My Review:
From what the author put on Facebook I knew this book would be more adult then the first 5 Demon Kissed books. All I have to say about that is....YES! AWESOME! I knew there was a lot about Eric that we didn't know. This book gave me way more incite into why he is how he is and how he deals with it. I loved that. He always made me curious in the other books. I'm glad we finally got to know more about him. We also got to see some of Ivy and Collin which was nice. I really enjoyed their story and was glad to see them make an appearance.

I think his relationship with Natalia was perfect for him. She wasn't afraid of him and talked back! She didn't take any crap from him. It's about time someone did that. She was kind of ice to his fire in a way. She distracted him at times from his pain. She has a secret though...and I have to say that it wasn't what I thought it was. 

I think this is the first book to a great installment to this series. The ending left me craving more of the story and I can't wait to see what happens next!

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